Professional genealogy and family history research services, free online databases, family tree evaluations and celebrity genealogies.
Ian McArthur - Genealogist and People Finder
Ian McArthur, genealogist and people finder based in London, UK. Research your family tree, trace living friends or relatives that you've lost touch with.
Iande (Ancestry) Research Associates
Genealogy research and lineage investigation services specializing in Norway, Sweden and Iceland.
A directory of AG professionals.
Need an obituary from an Idaho newspaper? We can help! Document search and retrieval service. Online order form. Index to Idaho newspapers on microfilm.
Dutch & Flemish to English translation of birth, marriage, and death certificates, memoirs, personal documents, etc.
Illinois Genealogy Research Service
Illinois Family History Research, based in central Illinois (Focusing in Cass, Logan, Mason, Menard, Morgan and Sangamon counties) but will research your Illinois ancestors for the entire state.
Professional translator will transcribe and translate German genealogical records of any period.
Professional research service based in the South-west of Scotland, combining specialist local knowledge with the ability to research all Scotland. Hold certificate in Scottish Family History Studies.
Genealogy services located in Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada.
Specialising in Australian family history research, digital photographic restoration & family reunions.
Incipit Archivi Storia Genealogia / Archives, History, Genealogy
Historical and genealogical researches in Italy.
InfoAction - Vancouver Public Library
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. InfoAction, the fee-for-service division of Vancouver Public Library (VPL), can supply copies of birth, marriage and death certificates for B.C.(British Columbia), Canada. InfoAction can provide obituary searches through most B.C. newspapers, and can access resources at VPL's Special Collections and History Divisions.
InfoPro21 - Dig-Up Your Roots!
Specialized, on-site research in North Texas & Southern Oklahoma.
Information Diggers - Digging Up the Past Together
Professional genealogical services provided by Ginger Frere, specializing in online and archival research in Chicago-area repositories. Member of the Association of Professional Genealogists.
Cornwall family and local history research services.
Inspirational Genealogy aims to evoke your family's past in the most vivid way possible. I offer services in consultation, research, writing, interviews, and lectures. I believe that I have developed the best writing format for presenting family histories. Although my services are unlike anything out there, they are also very affordable.
Institute for Historical Family Research
Research in present Austria, Bohemia, Moravia and Slovenia. Books, gazetteers (print and ONLINE) and picture cards.
Instituto de Historia Familiar
En el Instituto de Historia Familiar nos dedicamos a la investigación de la historia y el origen de las familias o linajes del mundo hispano. Ponemos a su disposición toda nuestra experiencia, productos de años de intenso trabajo. En esta página, creada con la intención de satisfacer de forma rigurosa y precisa el creciente interés de las familias por conocer sus orígenes, le ofrecemos un extenso archivo documental sobre los orígenes, la historia y el significado de los linajes hispanos.
Professionals, Volunteers & Other Research Services » Professionals A–Z » Professionals - I
57 Links
Links to professional researchers found on Cyndi's List are included as a courtesy. Unless otherwise stated, the existence of these links on Cyndi's List does not imply endorsement of the services or products provided by those professional researchers. See also: Disclaimers