Read popular emigrant guides that provided potential emigrants with information about the United States and Canada.
Findmypast - Passenger Lists Leaving UK 1890-1960 $
Findmypast has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription.
The Immigrant Ancestors Project, sponsored by the Center for Family History and Genealogy at Brigham Young University, uses emigration registers to locate information about the birthplaces of immigrants in their native countries, which is not found in the port registers and naturalization documents in the destination countries. Volunteers working with scholars and researchers at Brigham Young University are creating a database of millions of immigrants based on these emigration registers.
Immigration by Passenger Ship Research Guide
From the Steamship Historical Society of America.
Online searchable database containing the records of over 21,000 passengers who embarked at Glasgow and Greenock for non-European ports between 1 January and 30 April 1923, and at other Scottish ports between 1890 and 1960.
The Solem, Swiggum & Austheim Emigration Ship Index
Ships by port of departure in Norway from 1825 to 1875.
This database of indenture contracts includes over 10,000 indentured servants contracts from four different registers. The contracts indicate not only the servant's name and length of indenture, but also the name of the servant's parents and owner, his home province and city, occupation, destination, and ship of embarkation. These records provide a detailed composition of indentured servants in the 17th century Atlantic World. Bristol, 1654 - 1686, Middlesex, 1682 - 1685, London I, 1682 - 1692, London II, 1718 - 1759.
Ports of Departure » General Resources
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