DeadFred.com - Search Results for c1860s Photo Album Breslau Germany
c1860s Photo Album Breslau Germany (now part of Poland). The majority of these photos are 1860s some are 1870s one or two are 1890s and theres a couple 20th century. Most of the photos are Identified however its difficult to decipher the hand writing . A couple surnames that are readable *Braudy (Brandy?), Knoff, Radin, Fritsch Steintz * ...heres an attempt on the others *Scharfenberg, Ldiuttke, Assmann, Roursolf, Rudger, Koschate, Laurma, Kopsiho Geb Wolf, Gelliude.
Poland: photos from over 700 villages visited by Debbie since 1996. Indexes of Polish records, cemetery headstones, memorials and priests' lists. Two books for sale.
Poland / Polska » Photographs & Memories
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