Geneszukacz wyszukiwarka nazwisk w bazach PTG
A service of Polish Genealogical Society (Polish Genealogical Association). Includes a parish registers indexing project, a public registers indexing project, Polish Declarations of Admiration and Friendship for the United States, the list of casualties of the Polish Army, killed in action or died from wounds from the years 1918-1920, and an index of soldiers of the Polish Legions from the years 1918-1920.
Czestochowa-Radomsko Area Research Group - CRARG
CRARG finds, translates, types, and organizes databases of records from the late 1700s through the mid 1900s, and gives these databases to JRI-Poland, Yad Vashem, and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
JRI-Poland - Polish Aliyah Passports
Project to index genealogical collections at the Jewish Historical Institute, Warsaw (Zydowski Instytut Historyczny). The 'Passports' collection in the Archives of the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland (Warsaw) consists of 3,754 Polish passports issued primarily during the 1930s to Polish citizens going to what was then British Mandate Palestine.
The Index of the Parishes/Records of Poland.
A how-to article from PolandGenWeb.
PGSNYS: The Przewodnik Handlowy Database
In two directories for the Buffalo Polonia, over 400 names comprise the body of the work. Since these were paid ads, the information provided was supplied by the advertiser and in most cases include the place and date of birth, name of spouse and year of marriage, names of children and organizations and parish the family belonged.
Polish Roman Catholic Union of America (PRCUA) Insurance Claim File Index
Early death claims (before about 1912) are mostly in the form of names entered into ledger books. Death claims thereafter will have a death certificate as part of the claim. The records index goes up to about 1940.
projektpodlasie.pl to niekomercyjna i nieformalna inicjatywa grupy genealogów amatorów mających podlaskie i mazowieckie korzenie. Między innymi inwentaryzujemy i indeksujemy zdjęcia ksiąg metrykalnych parafii z terenu Mazowsza i Podlasia. Inwentaryzujemy i opracowujemy także staropolskie księgi sądowe z tego terenu tworząc pomocne bazy nazwisk i nazw miejscowych. projektpodlasie.pl is a non-commercial and informal initiative of a group of amateur genealogists with roots in Podlasie and Masovia. Among other things, we make an inventory and index photos of parish record books from Mazowsze and Podlasie. We also inventory and prepare old Polish court books from this area, creating helpful databases of surnames and local names.
szukajwarchiwach.pl - Archival Resources Online
Digital images from the Polish Archives that are searchable. The site is in Polish.
Covers everything from birth, death, marriage and divorce records to phonebooks, school and landowner records, all from the former Austro-Hungarian province of Galicia, which today is part of eastern Poland and western Ukraine. Although Gesher Galicia's focus is researching Jewish roots in this region, the diverse community sources of information in this database also contain names that span all the ethnic and religious groups who lived in the area, so not everyone listed in this database will necessarily be Jewish.
Warszawa & Praga Homeowners' Lists (1852, 1869 and 1870)
Online searchable database of 9,000 entries from three homeowners' lists for Warszawa (Warsaw) & its suburb of Praga.
Poland / Polska » Miscellaneous Records
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