Ancestry - The Polish Connection
Genealogy & heritage community for Polish descendants & friends.
Discover your Eastern European family history and start your family tree. Find resources for all Eastern European countries and access many genealogy records. This website is dedicated to making Eastern European ancestry research as free as possible.
Eastern European Genealogy Resources and Links
The website provides a collection of links for Eastern European genealogy, covering countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Latvia, and Lithuania. It is maintained by a genealogist who conducts regular online research and frequently updates the site with new resources.
FamilySearch - Poland Research Page FREE
Resources all on one-page for research in this state including links to the FamilySearch Wiki, the Learning Center, the FamilySearch Library Catalog, and the Historical Records Collection.
Genealogy - Poland, Family Tree, the origin and meaning of names, destinations, family history. Polish website (in Polish only) for genealogists and all interested in the subject. Provides general and local news, genealogist's calendar, guide for newbies and articles for advanced ones, examples based on author's researches, support for local genealogical societies, organizes gen-websites' contests.
Polish genealogy portal
MyHeritage has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription.
Part of the WorldGenWeb project.
PolishOrigins :: Uncovering your roots in Poland
Our mission is to provide you with the best knowledge and a deep emotional experience by creating a friendly space for sharing interests and feelings about your Polish origins.
Read about adventures experienced by Polish ancestry travelers.
projektpodlasie.pl to niekomercyjna i nieformalna inicjatywa grupy genealogów amatorów mających podlaskie i mazowieckie korzenie. Między innymi inwentaryzujemy i indeksujemy zdjęcia ksiąg metrykalnych parafii z terenu Mazowsza i Podlasia. Inwentaryzujemy i opracowujemy także staropolskie księgi sądowe z tego terenu tworząc pomocne bazy nazwisk i nazw miejscowych. projektpodlasie.pl is a non-commercial and informal initiative of a group of amateur genealogists with roots in Podlasie and Masovia. Among other things, we make an inventory and index photos of parish record books from Mazowsze and Podlasie. We also inventory and prepare old Polish court books from this area, creating helpful databases of surnames and local names.
Resources for Sepharadic Genealogy
Sephardic genealogical research begins with the search for your ancestor's country of origin. It could be almost any country where Sephardim lived - Bulgaria, Curacao, Gibraltar, Morocco, Greece, Romania, Tunisia, Turkey, Yugoslavia, any Middle Eastern country, even Germany, Holland, Italy or Malta. Small numbers of Sephardim even lived in Poland and Russia and had names like Levine, Rangel and Calahora.
Dictionary of surnames currently used in Poland. Compiled in 1990, it includes over 800,000 surnames & provides the total number of Polish citizens with that surname.
A one window, megasearch engine for surnames. Can simultaneously search various databases using only one input screen. Includes CGI (LDS Mormons) Poland, Ancestral File (LDS Mormons) Poland, Geneanet Poland, Google, genealogy Poland, Google News Genealogy Poland, Rootsweb message board Poland, Ancestry.com, Email Finder Poland, White Pages Poland.
Poland / Polska » General Resources
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