Armchair Genealogy, interviews, articles tips aimed at people around the world, produced in the UK. Delve into your family’s past, explore fascinating stories, and connect with long-lost relatives starting from your own armchair in the company of the Genealogy Guy UK.
BBC - Podcasts - Tracing Your Roots
From BBC Radio Four - Inspirational family history stories and key genealogy advice for the United Kingdom. Sally Magnusson and Nick Barratt uncover personal perspectives on social history and give listeners the tools to become family history detectives. Past episodes are available to listen.
Ever wondered what consumer DNA testing can do for you- beyond telling you your ethnicity? Are you an adoptee- or someone who has an unknown parent or relative? Do you love Genealogy? You're in the right place. Join JULIE DIXON JACKSON and RICHARD CASTLE as they attempt to guide you through what it takes to use DNA to break down brick walls, solve mysteries- or find your "people"!
Omohundro Institute of Early American History & Culture, College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia.
Extreme Genes - Family History Radio (YouTube)
Radio program and podcasts by Scott Fisher.
Extreme Genes Podcast on iTunes
Extreme Genes is a genealogy show hosted by Fisher. Fisher has 30+ years of radio experience and has had a passion for genealogy since he was a teen. On Extreme Genes Fisher sets out to educate the audience on resources and techniques for completing any gaps found in your family tree. Each week Fisher interviews national experts in the field of genealogy as well as news related to all of our genealogy. Be sure to visit ExtremeGenes.com for all the latest on the show.
Family Digging is developed by Carolyn Lancaster & Paul E Hendee. We are both avid family historians and past board members of the Treasure Coast Genealogical Society. The podcast format best fits our needs to communicate genealogical information to others. We also have on the site PDF transcripts of our shows for your review.
Family History: Genealogy Made Easy Podcast
From Lisa Louise Cooke's Genealogy Gems. This step-by-step podcast series for beginning genealogists also helps more experienced researchers brush up or learn something new. Listen and/or read the show notes for software choices, records research, technology tools, organization strategies and more.
Hear about the best genealogy tools and tips directly from Family Tree Magazine's editors and experts! Tune in to the Family Tree Magazine Podcast for a dose of genealogy education and fun. In this monthly online radio show, host Lisa Louise Cooke
Northeast history and genealogy radio, with a new episode every Thursday hosted by Marian Pierre-Louis.
Take your ancestors from names on paper to multidimensional people who lived, breathed, loved, lost, and helped you to be who you are. Benefit from 40+ years of experience in folklore, history, genealogy, law, and tools of FamilySearch, Ancestry, Newspapers.com and more. I learn from my many mistakes, I teach from those lessons. I interview genealogists and authors. I discuss Reparational Genealogy - how Anglo- or European-American researchers can assist African-American researchers in restoring connections destroyed by centuries of chattel slavery. I even give recipes from ancestral meals in the Family Cookbook episodes. And if YOU want to be interviewed, let me know!
The purpose of GeneaBloggers is to support genealogy bloggers and content-providers on a variety of platforms, share information on resources, and more. This team at GeneaBloggers will continue the providing helpful resource links, daily blogging prompts, blogiversaries, spotlights with an eye to new and emerging content-providing technologies. Find support for vlogging (video blogging), podcasting, content curating, micro-blogging in addition to traditional blogging.
A listing of 3,400+ genealogy and family history-related content providers: bloggers, podcasters, vloggers, micro- bloggers, etc.
with Brian Sheffey & Donya Williams
Podcasts for Genealogy » General Resources
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