19th Century Photographs | Restoration and Research Tools for Genealogists
PhotoTree.com presents free photo research tools and information. A searchable gallery of 1,000 images and weekly case studies help the genealogist date their own pictures.
After many years as a historical researcher, Ben Hollister identified that many of his clients wanted to undertake and present their own research, but did not have skills in graphic design, book layouts, image manipulation and repair and event management to best present their work and could not afford many of the mainstream services. Many more did not have effective research or computer skills but had found class based teaching did not suit them. Wanting to offer a cost effective way for historical researchers to access these services and improve their skills, he began coaching and mentoring clients to better undertake and present their own research. Since then, History Helper has added services such as large format printing (perfect for family charts), archive and collection management, scheduled group training, and history walks and tours. We are genealogists, historians, event managers, photographers, archivists, editors and systems analysts. We can help you undertake research, prepare your work, plan your event, and organise your records. Located in Park Holme, South Australia.
A small family business in the United Kingdom offering affordable, fully personalised photo-documentaries of the environment where ancestors once lived.
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