Amazon.com Genealogy Bookstore - Photography
The following are individual book titles of interest for this topic. The book links below point to the Amazon.com bookstore online where you may purchase the book if you wish. These links are provided to bring these published resources to your attention as an aid to your research. Follow the links to books of interest to make note of their title, author, publisher, and ISBN. You might then use this information to obtain the book from your local library or your favorite corner book shop.
A Century in Focus: Photography and Photographers in the North of Ireland, 1839-1939
A book by W. A. Maguire.
A Curious and Ingenious Art: Reflections on Daguerreotypes at Harvard
A book by Melissa Banta.
A Preservation Guide: Saving the Past and Present for the Future
A book by Barbara Sagraves.
A book by John Wood.
American Victorian Costume in Early Photographs
A book by Priscilla Harris Dalrymple.
Capturing Memories: Your Family Story in Photographs
A book by Maureen A Taylor.
Caring for Your Family Treasures: Heritage Preservation
A book by Richard Jane Long .
Collector's Guide to Early Photographs
A book by O. Henry Mace.
Complete Idiots Guide to Paint Shop Pro 7
A book by Nat Gertler.
Dating Old Photographs 1840-1929
A book by Halvor Moorshead.
Dressed for the Photographer: Ordinary Americans and Fashion, 1840-1900
A book by Joan L. Severa.
Family Frames: Photography, Narrative and Postmemory
A book by Marianne Hirsch.
Family Photographs, 1860 - 1945 (Public Record Office Genealogists Guide)
A book by Robert Pols.
Fashionable Folks Hairstyles 1840-1900
A book by Maureen A. Taylor.
How to Clean, Repair, Store and Display Your Heirloom Papers and Photographs
A book by Martha Ellen Webb .
Index to American Photographic Collections
A book by Andrew H. Eskind.
A book by Halvor Moorshead.
A book by Diane Vanskiver Gagel.
Ounce of Preservation: A Guide to the Care of Papers and Photographs
A book by Craig A. Tuttle.
Photo Retouching & Restoration for Dummies
A book by Julie Adair King.
Photographers: A Sourcebook for Historical Research
A book by Richard Rudisill.
Photoshop Restoration & Retouching, Second Edition
A book by Katrin Eismann.
Preserving Your Family Photographs
A book by Maureen A Taylor.
A book by Maureen Taylor.
Snapshot: America Discovers the Camera
A book by Kenneth P. Czech.
A book by Floyd Rinhart.
A book by Quentin Bajac.
The Keepers of Light: A History and Working Guide to Early Photographic Processes
A book by William Crawford.
The Painted Photograph 1839-1914: Origins, Techniques, Aspirations
A book by Heinz K. Henisch.
The Photo Scribe: A Writing Guide: How to Write the Stories Behind Your Photographs
A book by Denis LeDoux.
The Photoshop Book for Digital Photographers
A book by Scott Kelby.
The Silver Canvas: Daguerreotypes Masterpieces from the J. Paul Getty Museum
A book by Bates Lowry.
Uncovering Your Ancestry Through Family Photographs
A book by Maureen A. Taylor.
Unlocking the Secrets in Old Photographs
A book by Karen Frisch-Ripley.
Victorian and Edwardian Fashion: A Photographic Survey
A book by Alison Gernsheim.
A book by Avril Lansdell.
Windows on the Past: Identifying & Preserving Photographs
A book by Diane Van Skiver Gagel.
BlackMagic Image Enhancement - Black and White to Color
Colorize and restore old black and white photographs and images with this easy to use software.
A guide to digital restoration DVD Rom shows you how to digitally restore your family photographs in a user-friendly way. Contains over 4 hours of information and video tutorials showing you everything from how to remove scratches, repairing torn photographs, to restoring faded photographs.
A guide to dating daguerreotypes, ambrotypes and tintypes by their mats and cases. 1000 mats and cases 1840 through 1865 illustrated and dated.
IrfanView is a fast, compact and innovative FREEWARE (for non-commercial use) graphic viewer for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10.
Vendor of fine archival storage, display and presentation materials for your negatives, transparencies, CDs, photographs, slides, artwork and documents.
Mended Memories Family History Journal
The Family History Journal CD is a fun and easy way to create display and share the pictures, stories and events of your Family History. The CD contains beautifully designed template pages for you to easily customize and print for the whole family.
Display your photos, certificates and stories in an elegantly bound photobook. Free software. Australian Made. Fast, easy and cost effective.
MyCanvas - Family History Books
Create a book easily
Passage Express -- Multimedia Presentation Software
Multimedia presentation software especially for genealogists. Create attractive auto-run presentations with genealogical data or slideshow movies. Lots of features.
The KwikGuide is an easy-to-use 96 page full-color book that guides you through numbered steps, sample pictures, and tool tips as you perform the restoration your treasured photos need.
PhotoStitcher will automatically combine overlapping photos to produce perfect panoramic image.
Pic Scanner on the App Store on iTunes
For iPhone and iPad. Preserving old photos is an important but tedious tasks for genealogists and family history researchers. Pic Scanner turns your iPhone or iPad into a handy photo digitizer. You can scan up to four photo prints simultaneously, and then app automatically crops and saves them all. You can also edit, add captions, apply filters, organize photos in albums, and share photos instantly via Google+, Facebook, email and other means. Quick and easy.
Picnam - Recording Information About Genealogy and Family History Photos
Ideal for making notes about scanned documents and photos; text files are fully searchable.
Printfile archival supplies for storage of prints, negatives and slides
Photography supplies including archival photo albums, scrapbook supplies, leather portfolios, ring binders, loupes and lightboxes.
Adhesive removal product for freeing photographs from old photo albums or other adhesives without harm.
Photographs & Memories » Publications, Software & Supplies
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