A Guide to the Historical Records of British Banking
A book by L. S. Pressnell.
The American Bookbinders Museum is the only museum of its kind in North America, celebrating and exploring the culture and tools of bookbinding, from its earliest forms to the changes and innovations of the industrial revolution. In addition to the craft and artistry of binding, we focus on the stories of the men, women, and children who worked in binderies. We are dedicated not only to memorializing a means of production that has become antique, but serving as a comprehensive archive of materials documenting the methods and history behind the industry. We have a reading room with librarian-assisted access to an extensive collection of bookbinding literature that provide a vital resource to scholars, historians, and members of the bookbinding trade. Includes a bookbinders directory at http://directory.bookbindersmuseum.org/ which includes a directory of bookbinders indexed by name, city, and state.
Avalos...Te Recuerdo | smelter life in
In 1905, the Guggenheim family persuaded Porfirio Diaz to allow them to build the American Smelting and Refining Company (ASARCO) town of Avalos, east of Ciudad Chihuahua, Mexico, along the Mexican Central Railroad. The Guggenheim
Barmaids and Skinkers: Traditional trades and occupations in pubs
An article describing the many occupations found in pubs, coaching inns and the brewery trade over the centuries. The article is taken from a book available for sale.
Biographies of American Architects, 1897-1947
Biographical material culled from obituaries originally published in American Art Annual.
In the late 1600s there was an Eb and Ob Morse living in Portmouth, NH just north of the first iron furnace established in the colonies (Saugus Furnace in Lynn, Massachusetts). They were blacksmiths and dropped out of site in the very early 1700s though their father remained in Portsmouth, NH. Our Ebenezer Morse (of Virginia / South Carolina / Kentucky) has yDNA that matches that of descendants related to the parents of this Eb and Ob who had lived in Portsmouth, New Hampshire and who were blacksmiths. Was the trade passed down in the family? Are we linked to the NH Morses, not just through yDNA, but also through the trade of blacksmith?
Bo'ness Pottery - Pottery Workers (and a few others) living in the Parishes of Bo
Lists of pottery workers (and a few others) living in the Parishes of Bo
Index of brickfield workers and owners gathered from census, local histories and directories in England, mainly from southeast England.
British & Irish Clock and Watch Makers (c1600-c1940)
Online Archive Library, Trade Directory Lists.
The purpose of this database is to compile information on the early pastors in pioneer churches all over the United States--circuit riders as well as those who stayed at one station (pre-1920), otherwise known as a settled pastor.
Description of corkcutting in England with index of corkcutters.
Directory of Attorneys Published by Wilber Mercantile Agency, 1917
Names of legal correstpondents (attorneys, justices of the peace and collection agents) of the Wilber Mercantile Agency, 1917.
Lain's Brooklyn & LI Business Directory of 1895.
Federal Judicial Center - History of the Federal Judiciary
The Federal Judges Biographical Database contains the service record and biographical information for all judges who have served on the U.S. District Courts, U.S. Circuit Courts, U.S. Courts of Appeals, and the Supreme Court since 1789.
Findmypast has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription. Join Findmypast and you
Findmypast - Canada- Barristers and Solicitors, 1919 $
Findmypast has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription.
Findmypast - Ontario, Canada- Bench and Bar In The Early Days, London $
Findmypast has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription.
Findmypast has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription.
Findmypast - United States/Canada- The Blue Book, Textile Directory, 1897-1898 $
Findmypast has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription.
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