American Journalism Review - Archives - The Death of the Free Obit
April 6, 1917, changed the lives of 21,609 young African American men from North Carolina. The participation of these Black North Carolinians in World War I has been mostly ignored. Black Soldiers Mattered addresses that void with this interactive site. Explore the journey of Black North Carolinians (BNC)—as units and individual soldiers—from induction to demobilization.
Ancestors at Rest - Find Free Death Records
Coffin plates, funeral cards, death cards, wills, memorial cards, cemeteries, vital stats, obituaries, church records, family bibles, cenotaphs and tombstone inscriptions.
Ancestry.com - Death, Burial, Cemetery & Obituaries $
Searchable databases available by subscription. A compilation of obituaries published in newspapers, collected from various online sources.
Ancestry.com - Historical Newspaper Collection
Searchable database available by subscription.
Obituaries of deceased movie stars, musicians, writers, and other celebrities who have recently died.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
EPOCH - Electronically Preserving Obituaries as Cultural Heritage
EPOCH is a depository of information that will be held for future generations of researchers and genealogists. Family and friends of the deceased can submit detailed obituaries as a tribute to their loved ones, and in doing so help build a meaningful history of the residents of the community.
Millions of people worldwide are passing from this life without an obituary being written about them. FamilySearch Obituaries bridges this gap by offering simple tools to create, preserve, and share an obituary for a loved one.
Funeral Finder is a source for real-time obituaries directly from funeral homes and the preeminent online directory of funeral homes.
An inexpensive alternative to post a loved ones obituary, tribute, life story or memorial notice online.
GoodBye! The Journal of Contemporary Obituaries
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
How to Abstract an Obituary for Genealogy Research
By Ben Sayer
Legacy QuickGuide: Obituaries in Genealogy: A Research Tool $
The Obituaries in Genealogy Legacy QuickGuide
A service from Legacy.com and its newspaper affiliates designed to inform you via e-mail of newspaper obituaries that interest you.
Recent obituaries from more than 1,000 newspapers.
Narrow Down Your Obituary Searches With Obit Magnet
Trying to find an obituary? Obit Magnet takes a name and death date and generates obituary search URLs for Google Books (newspapers only), Newspapers.com, NewspaperArchive.com, and Chronicling America.
Links to online obituaries arranged by state.
Newspaper Obituaries On The Net
A directory of over 44,000 online obituary and death record indexes.
Obituaries » General Resources
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