UFDC - South America Collections - Brazilian Newspapers
Diario de Pernambuco, Folha de Juazeiro, Rebate, Voz da religiao no Cariry.
UFDC Home - Judaica Anniversary Collection
The Price Library of Judaica Anniversary Collection represents the first stage of a project to digitize a unique and important collection of over 200 anniversary editions of Jewish newspapers held in the Isser and Rae Price Library of Judaica.
Union Township Public Library - Newspaper Archives of Ripley, Ohio
Newspaper archives are available dating from 1824 through the present.
University of British Columbia Asian Library - Ming Pao Daily News
Ming Pao Daily News (Canada Edition) is a Chinese language newspaper published daily in Toronto (Eastern Edition) and Vancouver (Western Edition), 1993-present.
Daily and weekly newspapers from various communities in Alberta from 1885 - 2001.
University of Manitoba Digital Collections › Manitobia › Newspapers
Brandon Daily Sun, Brandon Sun Weekly, Courrier du Nord-Ouest, Daily Nor'Wester, La Liberté, Le Manitoba, Le Métis, Libre Parole, Manitoba Free Press, Manitoba Gazette, Manitoba Herald, Manitoba Liberal, Manitoba News-Letter, Manitoban and Northwest Herald, Minnedosa Tribune, Morning Telegram, New Nation, Nor'Wester (1859), Nor'Wester (1874), One Big Union, Ouest Canadien, Portage la Prairie Weekly, Quiz, Red River Pioneer, Standard, Strikers Defense Bulletin, The Enlightener, The Manitoban, The People's Voice, The Voice, The Western Star, The Winnipeg Socialist, Western Labor News, Winnipeg Citizen, Winnipeg Daily Sun, Winnipeg Telegram Strike Editions.
Upper Canada Newspaper Notices
Upper Canada newspapers contain a wealth of information on the lives of early settlers. Many of the notices I have indexed here are being published for the first time. These records may also include the ONLY record of your ancestor in Upper Canada, once in a lifetime records of an individual who has been convicted of a crime and banished, or an ancestor who has left a single newspaper 'footprint' of their time in Upper Canada before heading across the border to the United States, or perhaps an ancestor whose only 'claim to fame' was finding a strayed cow or horse.
Searchable digital images of 18 local Utah newspapers with a total of over 100,000 pages. Searchable by keywords, article titles, weddings, deaths & births.
UW Student Newspapers Archive - University of Washington Libraries Digital Collections
1967-1968, 1993-2005.
UW Suzzallo Library Microform and Newspaper Collections
University of Washington in Seattle.
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