A history of human trafficking, pursuit of profit and distressing archival documents from the collections of the Zeeland Archives (Netherlands). It explains the Dutch involvement in the slave trade and the conditions on board such a ship, based on original records.
Scheepsreizen van de MCC - Zeeuws Archief / Ship voyages of the MCC - Zeeuws Archief
Nearly 300 voyages across the world's oceans by the Middelburg Commercie Compagnie out of Zeeland, Netherlands. For trading and making profit. Trade in goods and approximately 31,000 enslaved Africans. Map, ships, persons, explanation, and blog.
Slaveneigenaren in Amsterdam 1863 / Slave owners in Amsterdam 1863
A Google map project that shows the owners of slaves and their residence in The Netherlands, with links to the National Archvies database.
Index and scans of slave registers of Suriname 1834-1863
Slavernijverleden | Nationaal Archief
Research guide of the National Archives of the Netherlands for research into slavery in former colonies of the Netherlands.
Important archives on slavery have been digitised over the past years by the National Archives of the Netherlands, in cooperation with Metamorfoze, the Netherlands' national programme for the preservation of paper heritage. On this page, visitors can access the 1.9 million scans that have become available so far from institutions in the Netherlands, England, Guyana and Suriname.
Aruba: slavernij en emancipatie
Database and images of records of enslaved and freed people in Aruba 1840-1863. Aruba, part of the Dutch West Indies or Netherlands Antilles, was a colony of the Netherlands.
Borderellen en emancipatieregisters St. Eustatius
Database and images of records of enslaved and freed people in St. Eustatius 1840-1863. St. Eustatius, part of the Dutch West Indies or Netherlands Antilles, was a colony of the Netherlands.
Curaçao: Slavenregister en emanicipatieregisters - Nationaal Archief
Slave registers and Emancipation Registers of Curacao in the Netherlands Antilles, 1839-1863. These records registered the enslaved population until manumission.
Curaçao: Vrij van Slavernij (manumissies) | Nationaal Archief
Index of freed slaves in Curacao from 1832 to 1863.
Sources for the Mutual history of Ghana and the Netherlands
Research guide for the historical connections between Ghana and the Netherlands. Includes information about the transatlantic slave trade.
Netherlands / Nederland » Slavery
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