The a3Genealogy - Accurate, Accessible Answers - blog specializes in military, naturalization records, Native American and African American ancestry. The a3Gen blog is penned by Kathleen Brandt, an international genealogy consultant, speaker and writer. a3Gen clients span from Europe, Asia and Africa to the Americas.
Allen County Public Library - The Genealogy Center - Our Resources
Includes a list of free databases that can be accessed from anywhere.
Ancestry.com - American Indian Records $
Original source: See the list online. Ancestry.com has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription. Free articles and helpful research materials.
Carolyne's Native American Genealogy Helper
How-to articles regarding Native American Genealogy research; census lists, roll data including microfilm numbers,tribal information; transcriptions of obscure records.
Fold3 - Native American Collection
Fold3 is an online repository for original historical documents, combined with the ability for users to make comments, annotations, and upload their own documents. The focus of Fold3 is to be a comprehensive collection of U.S. Military records. Some areas of Fold3 are free to use, while others can be freely searched and then viewed with a paid subscription.
Native American » General Resources
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