Eastern Goldfields Historical Society, Inc
History of the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia - Kalgoorlie, Boulder, Coolgardie, Menzies. Photographs, indexes, maps, general research done.
United States.
Northern Mine Research Society
The Northern Mine Research Society is a group of people dedicated to the preservation and recording of mining history, Northern referring to the Society's administrative base rather than its field of interest. It started as the Northern Cavern & Mine Research Society in 1960, but its members' increasing interest in mining led the Society to change its original name to the present title in 1975. Now one of the largest such organizations in Britain, the Society has hundreds of members countrywide and many overseas.
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada.
Peak District Mines Historical Society
United Kingdom.
Treadwell Historical Preservation & Restoration Society
Established to stabilize, preserve and restore the existing structures and buildings of the Treadwell Mine site on Douglas Island in Alaska for the purpose of public access, education, and enjoyment.
Mining & Miners » Societies & Groups
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