California Bound - Passenger lists for California 1848 - 1873 | by sfgenealogy.com
This site contains passenger lists for ships and wagon trains traveling to California between 1848 and 1873. The lists are transcribed from microfilm of the New York Daily Times, the New York Herald, the New Orleans Picayune, the Panama Star, the Panama Herald, and the Boston Daily Evening Transcript.
On the Trail - The "IKENBERRY" Party - 1849
A history project by Sandy Wilbur.
On the Trail - The Westward Movement
I use these web pages to make available the sources of information that I run across - wagon train rosters, obituaries, trail journals, ideas on how to research, etc. Most of my in-depth research has been for the years 1849-1853, but other periods are represented.
Paper Trail - Pioneer Wagon Train Diaries $
Paper Trail is the website database created by the Oregon-California Trails Association from thousands of trail-related documents of the mid-19th century western migration. Whether people traveled west for gold, land, religious freedom or new opportunity, they wrote diaries, letters, articles and recollections about the journey. From over 3,500 original documents Paper Trail organizes information into an easy-to-search database, featuring names, dates, routes, travel parties, locations and interesting features. The website also lists the library where each document or its copies may be found. The information from each document is accessible by subject codes and by a 6-page outline survey of each document in the Paper Trail website. Names searches are free. Reports require modest subscription.
Wagon Train Arrivals as Reported in the Frontier Guardian
Lists of wagon trains that arrived in Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Migration Routes, Roads & Trails » Wagon Trains
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