Adrian College - Shipman Library
Adrian, Michigan. The archives maintain the records created by the Detroit Conference of the United Methodist Church and its member churches.
Allegheny College - Pelletier Library
Meadville, Pennsylvania. Host for the Smeltzer Bell Research Center of the Western Pennsylvania Conference of the United Methodist Church.
Archives at Emory & Henry College
The Holston Conference Archives encompasses the records relating to the history of the United Methodist Church and its activities in the region. The Holston Conference comprises the geographic area surrounding the Holston River, and includes southwest Virginia; eastern Tennessee as far west as Oak Ridge; and a small portion of northeastern Georgia. The Conference Archives includes biographical information on the ministers who served in the region, individual church histories and records, and district and conference records, as well as the personal papers of ministers who served the Holston Conference. The collections date from the 1820s, with the bulk of the holdings dating from the late 1800s to the present.
Archives of Ohio United Methodism - LibGuides at Ohio Wesleyan University Libraries
The West Ohio Conference United Methodist Archives Center is a collection of books, manuscripts, pamphlets, periodicals, and artifacts organized to encourage the study of the history of Methodism in Ohio. The Collection is housed at Ohio Wesleyan University and is jointly sponsored and supported by the University and the West Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church. As part of it's mission, the Archives assists those pursuing genealogical studies of families whose ancestors include Methodist clergy serving in Ohio.
Arkansas United Methodist Archives - Hendrix College, Bailey Library
Conway, Arkansas. The collection includes records relevant to the history of Arkansas Methodism and its antecedent organizations.
Delaware. Barratt's Chapel is the oldest surviving church building in the United States built by and for Methodists.
London, England.
Central Methodist University | Special Collections
Located in Smiley Memorial Library at Central Methodist University, the Missouri United Methodist Archives houses the collection of historical materials concerning Methodism in Missouri. This includes Minutes of the Annual Conferences, Disciplines, hymnals dating back into the 18th century, and books on Methodist history. Ancestral denominations of Methodism include: Evangelical United Brethren, German Methodist Church, Methodist Episcopal Church, Methodist Protestant Church, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, United Brethren Church.
DePauw University - Archives and Special Collections
Greencastle, Indiana. Inventories to DePauw University Collections and United Methodist Collections.
Detroit Conference United Methodist Archives
The archives maintain the records created by the Detroit Conference of the United Methodist Church and its member churches. We collect and preserve historical information of the United Methodist Church in Michigan and all its predecessor denominations to document Methodism in Michigan.
Drew University - United Methodist Archives and History Center
Madison, New Jersey. Home of the General Commission on Archives and History of the United Methodist Church.
Louisiana Conference: Commission on Archives and History
Shreveport, Louisiana.
Methodist Archives and Research Centre
at the John Rylands University Library in Manchester, UK. See the link for Researching your Family History on this site.
METHODIST COLLECTION From Randolph-Macon College. The research collection is devoted to the history of the Virginia Conference of the United Methodist Church. Historic materials contained in the collection date back to 1773 and mainly include official records of the church such as the Journal and the Discipline. Also available are 19th century issues of the Richmond Christian Advocate (with an index to obituaries of ordained Methodist Ministers), other 19th century journal holdings, and a few Virginia church histories (both published and unpublished).
Methodist Collections (The John Rylands University Library - The University of Manchester)
Methodist Church of Great Britain.
Methodist Heritage provides a guide to the main locations in Britain with buildings or sites of particular Methodist historic interest. Includes libraries and other research centers with Methodist holdings.
Methodist Heritage - Research Libraries
Select list of libraries and archives in Great Britain with Methodist holdings.
New England Conference - United Methodist Church Commission on Archives & History
Boston, Massachusetts.
Methodist » Libraries, Archives & Museums
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