Ancient, Medieval & Renaissance Maps.
Foundation for Medieval Genealogy
New (2002) English society dedicated to medieval genealogical research and publications. The main web site has open access and gives details of our current projects, including a revision of Turton's Plantagenet Ancestry. There is also an online database, the Medieval Genealogical Registry, access to which requires registration and a modest fee (
Medieval Death Bot @DeathMedieval (Twitter)
Real deaths from medieval coroners' rolls transcribed & tweeted daily.
An outstanding online source for medieval urban history in England.
Prosopographical Research Unit
From Linacre College, Oxford, England. Promotes the study of medieval prosopography - the social science using genealogy, onomastics and demography to study the past.
Some notes on medieval English genealogy
Much more than just some notes - this site provides excellent content and links for the serious medieval researcher.
A brief guide to medieval English genealogy
Discusses record types, their uses, and locations.
The Fine Art of Calligraphy, Heraldry and Medieval Illumination
Produced by artist, Neil Bromley, an extensive gallery of artwork produced on vellum and gold leaf. Family crests and shields, full coats of arms, freedom scrolls, and medieval miniatures to reproductions of manuscript pages. Past commisions have included honorary scrolls for the city of London and royalty.
Torrione Castle - an unusual example of a Museum for History
From Italy. Be sure to check out their Vialardi di Sandigliano lineage library.
Medieval » General Resources
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