Ancestry.com - Louisiana Marriage Records, 1851-1900 $
Original source: Dodd, Jordan, Liahona Research, comp. Louisiana Marriage Records, 1851-1900. Ancestry.com has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription. Free articles and helpful research materials.
Ancestry.com - Louisiana Marriage Records, 1851-1900 $
Original source: See Extended Description for original data sources listed by county. Ancestry.com has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription. Free articles and helpful research materials.
Ancestry.com - Louisiana Marriages to 1850 $
Original source: Dodd, Jordan R, et. al.. Early American Marriages: Louisiana to 1850. Bountiful, UT, USA: Precision Indexing Publishers, 19xx. Ancestry.com has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription. Free articles and helpful research materials.
Ancestry.com - Louisiana Marriages, 1718-1925 $
Original source: Compiled from a variety of sources including original marriage records located in Family History Library microfilm, microfiche, or books. Original marriage records are available from the Clerk of the Court where the marriage license was issued. Ancestry.com has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription. Free articles and helpful research materials.
Ancestry.com - New Orleans, Louisiana, Marriage Records Index, 1831-1920 $
Original source: State of Louisiana, Secretary of State, Division of Archives, Records Management, and History. Vital Records Indices. Baton Rouge, LA, USA. Ancestry.com has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription. Free articles and helpful research materials.
Ancestry.com - New Orleans, Louisiana, Marriage Records Index, 1831-1964 $
Original source: State of Louisiana, Secretary of State, Division of Archives, Records Management, and History. Vital Records Indices. Baton Rouge, LA, USA. Ancestry.com has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription. Free articles and helpful research materials.
Ancestry.com - New Orleans, Louisiana, Marriages, 1718-1925 $
Original source: Compiled from a variety of sources including original marriage records located in Family History Library microfilm, microfiche, or books. Original marriage records are available from the Clerk of the Court where the marriage license was issued. Ancestry.com has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription. Free articles and helpful research materials.
Ancestry.com - Search Birth, Marriage & Death Records
Including baptism, christening, and burial records. Searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images available with fee-based subscription.
Department of Health & Hospitals | State of Louisiana - Request a Birth or Death Certificate
Contact information, fees, and ordering procedures for Louisiana vital records.
FamilySearch - Louisiana Marriages, 1816-1906 FREE
Name index to marriage records from the state of Louisiana. Microfilm copies of these records are available at the Family History Library and Family History Centers. This set contains 129,641 records. Due to privacy laws, recent records may not be displayed. The year range represents most of the records. A few records may be earlier or later.
FamilySearch - Louisiana, Orleans Parish Vital Records, 1910, 1960 FREE
This collection includes birth records and index for 1910. It also includes marriage and death records and indexes for 1960. This collection is being published as images become available.
FamilySearch - Louisiana, Parish Marriages, 1837-1957 FREE
Marriages recorded in Louisiana Parishes (counties). Currently this collection is 17% complete. Additional records will be added as they are completed.
Louisiana Secretary of State - Online Public Vital Records Index
Search the Louisiana Death Records Index Database and order certified copies of death certificates for deaths that occurred in Louisiana more than 50 years from the end of the current calendar year. Search the Louisiana Birth Records Index Database and order certified copies of birth certificates for births that occurred in Louisiana more than 100 years from the end of the current calendar year. Search the Orleans Parish Marriage Records Index Database and order certified copies of marriage licenses for marriages that took place in Orleans Parish more than 50 years from the end of the current calendar year.
Madison Marriages 1866-1880 Index
Madison Parish, Louisiana Marriage Records from 1866-1900. These are the earliest available, since the yankees burned the courthouse that contained earlier records.
Orleans Parish Marriage Records
Certified copies of microfilmed Orleans parish marriage records from 1870
vitalrec.com - Vital Records Information - Louisiana
Resources to help you obtain a birth certificate, death record, marriage license and more by mail or online.
Where to Write for Vital Records - Louisiana
From the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS).
Marriages & Divorce » Locality Specific: United States » Louisiana
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