'We the People' by Sharon Burns
From the Oklahoman Online newspaper.
Casefile Clues - Genealogy how-tos with Michael John Neill
A genealogy case study in your email every week. Casefile Clues is not geared towards the totally new genealogist. The audience is the experienced genealogist. The focus is also on the process, why certain things were done, what worked and, most importantly, what did not work.
"Kinsearching" is a weekly genealogical column now in its 34th year of publication. It has appeared in several Texas newspapers and one periodical. It carries a wide variety of material such as queries, book reviews, notices of family reunions and genealogical seminars, research tips, and extracts of genealogical data. Information is NOT limited to any specific area.
Our Loose Ends Genealogy Column
By Lynna Kay Shuffield of Houston, Texas.
Ruby M. Cusack - Genealogy & Queries
Genealogical and Queries Columns in the Good Life edition of the Saint John Times Globe, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada.
Springfield Cultural Heritage Examiner - Ozarks Cultural Heritage Examiner
Dr. Bill (William L.) Smith, Springfield, Missouri.
Canada's Online Family History Magazine.
Biography & Links to Published Work.
Biography & Links to Global Gazette Articles.
Biography & Links to Published Work.
Marielle A. Bourgeois, M.A., C.F.A.
Biography & Links to Sandra's Global Gazette Articles.
Tracing Our Roots is a genealogy dedicated weekly column by Brenda Kellow published in the Sunday edition of the Plano Star Courier (Collin County, Texas) newspaper and other North Texas communities covered by American Community Newspapers (ACN).
Dozens of helpful columns written by Terry Day and Donna Potter Phillips.
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