Genealogy activities for kids (Pinterest)
From Ancestry.com
GENTEEN Mailing List (RootsWeb, archived on Archive-It)
For teenagers and young adults who are interested in genealogical research or others who have suggestions or ideas for young genealogists. Areas that will be addressed by the list include general genealogical concerns, keeping records, finding information and clues, or any other concerns dealing with genealogy and young adults.
The NextGen Genealogy Network (Facebook)
The NextGen Genealogy Network is a non-profit organization whose mission is to engage the next generation of genealogists and embrace new ways to do genealogy through blogging, social media, new tools, etc. No membership fees to join.
The NextGen Genealogy Network (Facebook)
The NextGen Genealogy Network exists to foster the next generation
The NextGen Genealogy Network Group (Facebook)
The NextGen Genealogy Network is where young genealogists come to connect.
Utah Genealogical Association - Student Chapter (Facebook)
The UGA Student Chapter participation will be open to all age 25 and under regardless of where they live.
Kids, Teens & The Next Generation » Social Networking
9 Links
Chat, Facebook, Mailing Lists, Message Boards, Newsgroups, Pinterest, Twitter, etc.