Amazon.com Genealogy Bookstore - Kids
The following are individual book titles of interest for this topic. The book links below point to the Amazon.com bookstore online where you may purchase the book if you wish. These links are provided to bring these published resources to your attention as an aid to your research. Follow the links to books of interest to make note of their title, author, publisher, and ISBN. You might then use this information to obtain the book from your local library or your favorite corner book shop.
A Student's Guide to African American Genealogy
A series of books by Oryx Press.
Across America on an Emigrant Train
A book by Jim Murphy.
A book by Dorothy Hoobler.
American Immigration: A Student Companion
A book by Roger Daniels.
Ancestor Hunt: Finding Your Family Online
A book by Nancy Shepherdson.
Branching Out: Genealogy for 1st - 3rd Grade Students Lessons 1 - 15: Lessons 1-15 (Volume 1)
A book for sale from Amazon.com, by Jennifer Holik.
Branching Out: Genealogy for 1st - 3rd Grade Students Lessons 16-30 (Volume 2)
A book for sale from Amazon.com, by Jennifer Holik.
Branching Out: Genealogy for 4th - 8th Grade Students Lesson 1-15 (Volume 1)
A book for sale from Amazon.com, by Jennifer Holik.
Branching Out: Genealogy for 4th-8th Grade Students Lessons 16-30 (Volume 2)
A book for sale from Amazon.com, by Jennifer Holik.
Branching Out: Genealogy for High School Students Lessons 1-15 (Volume 1)
A book for sale from Amazon.com, by Jennifer Holik.
Branching Out: Genealogy for High School Students Lessons 16-30 (Volume 2)
A book for sale from Amazon.com, by Jennifer Holik.
Bringing History Home : Local and Family History Projects for Grades K-6
A book by M. Gail Hickey.
A series of books by Oryx Press.
Casper and Catherine Move to America: An Immigrant Family's Adventures, 1849-1850
A book by Brian Hasler.
A series of books by Oryx Press.
Climbing Your Family Tree: Online and Off-line Genealogy for Kids
A book by Ira Wolfman.
Creating Junior Genealogists: Tips and Activities for Family History Fun
A book by Karen Frisch.
A book by Dorothy Hoobler.
Dig Up Your Roots and Find Your Branches: A Child's Guide to Genealogy
A book by Susan H. Hubbs.
Do People Grow on Family Trees? : Genealogy for Kids and Other Beginners
A book by Ira Wolfman.
Engaging the Next Generation: A Guide for Genealogy Societies and Libraries
A book for sale from Amazon.com, by Jennifer Holik.
A children's genealogy book by Karen Boyden Crum.
A children's music CD by Tom Chapin.
An audio CD by Tom Chapin.
A book by Sherrie A. Styx.
Genealogy Just for Kids!. (Workbook)
A book by Sherrie A. Styx.
A series of books by Oryx Press.
A book by Dorothy Hoobler.
A series of books by Oryx Press.
A book by Dorothy Hoobler.
A series of books by Oryx Press.
A book by Dorothy Hoobler.
A series of books by Oryx Press.
Japanese American Family Album
A book by Dorothy Hoobler.
A series of books by Oryx Press.
A book by Dorothy Hoobler.
Journey of Hope: The Story of Irish Immigration to America
A book by Kerby Miller.
Kids and Kin: The Family History Research Vacation That Involves Kids
A book by Patricia Suter and Corinne P. Earnest.
A book by Joan Sweeney.
A series of books by Oryx Press.
A book by Dorothy Hoobler.
My Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandfather . . . Was a Warrior!
A book by Riccardo Francaviglia.
A series of books by Oryx Press.
Not Merely Ancestors : A Guide for Teaching Genealogy in the Schools
A book by John R. Davis.
A book by Dan Rhema.
A series of books by Oryx Press.
Roots for Kids: A Genealogy Guide for Young People
A book by Susan Provost Beller.
A series of books by Oryx Press.
Scandinavian American Family Album
A book by Dorothy Hoobler.
The Family Tree Detective : Cracking the Case of Your Family's Story
A book by Ann Douglas.
Through the Eyes of Your Ancestors
A book by Maureen Taylor.
A book by Isabel Gaines.
A book by Loreen Leedy.
The online store of Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. & Clearfield Company.
As an author, family genealogist, and presenter, Becky Villareal has helped multiple libraries and genealogy societies set up Family History Events. She has also written multiple children's books to encourage them to become interested in family history.
Gianna just wants to know about her ancestors, but she has to join an after school history club (yuck!) to do it. Now, she's about to embark on a journey that will change everything she thinks she knows about her family.
Gianna Saldaña has a mystery to solve. With the help of a history teacher and the enthusiasm of a new friend, Gianna hopes to discover answers to the biggest mystery of her life. Follow along as she explores every avenue to find answers to the questions she has wondered about for as long as she can remember: Who is her father? Where did her ancestors come from? Join her as she develops new and exciting clues about her heritage and solves the mystery of her family lineage—a dramatic journey!
Connect With Your Family By Connecting Them To Their Family History. Resources for teaching kids about their family tree. A book, workbook, and chart for sale by Janet Hovorka. Also free charts and excerpts from the workbook are available in PDF format. The site also contains links to other online sources for kids and genealogy, and a free e-mail newsletter.
Kids, Teens & The Next Generation » Publications, Software & Supplies
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