FamilySearch - FamilySearch Center Locator: Iceland
From the FamilySearch web site. Includes address, telephone number and hours of operation.
From the FamilySearch web site, an online catalog to the holdings of Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah. Microfilm loans can be ordered and then sent to your local Family History Center.
Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Includes a research library with materials on immigration studies.
LibDex - The Library Index - Iceland
A worldwide directory of links to library homepages and web-based OPACs (Online Public Access Catalogs).
National Archives of Iceland /
The National Archives was established in 1882. Its oldest records are from the Middle Ages, the oldest one from the church in Reykholt dating back to the year 1185.
Founded in 1979, the National Nordic Museum is the only institution of its size and scale in the United States to present the history and culture of the entire Nordic region (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, the regions of the Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Åland, and the cultural region of Sápmi) and the legacy of Nordic immigrants to the United States. Located in Seattle, Washington.
Pacific Lutheran University - Mortvedt Library
Tacoma, Washington.
Scandinavian Immigrant Experience Collection
The Scandinavian Immigrant Experience Collection is a depository of historical materials relating to immigrants to the Pacific Northwest from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. The collection includes items that support the academic, educational, and research programs of the university and the research needs of scholars and other researchers beyond the immediate university constituency.
A portal which offers access to the combined resources (books, magazines, journals.... - both digital and non-digital) of the 45 national libraries of Europe. It offers free searching and delivers digital objects - some free, some for a fee.
The primary public access point for readers and researchers seeking to use the vast European collections of the Library of Congress.
Iceland / Ísland » Libraries, Archives & Museums
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