Bite-Sized Greek Genealogy Handbook
Carol Kostakos Petranek & Georgia Stryker Keilman have recorded a video series, Bite-Sized Greek Genealogy with a free companion booklet. These tools provide tips to help locate your ancestors in Greek records. The Handbook contains links to the video series on YouTube.
FamilySearch - Greece Research Page FREE
Resources all on one-page for research in this state including links to the FamilySearch Wiki, the Learning Center, the FamilySearch Library Catalog, and the Historical Records Collection.
Foundation of the Hellenic World - Genealogy Project
The Genealogy Project aims at reconstructing the family trees of the Asia Minor refugees, Greek-Orthodox inhabitants of Asia Minor and Pontos (the Black Sea region) who were expelled from their homeland after the Asia Minor disaster in 1922, and took refuge in Greece. The family data to be collected will begin with the grandparents of each Asia Minor refugee, and follow into their posterity.
Greek Ancestry is the first digital platform created to meet the specific research needs of people of Greek descent and those interested in Greek archival records. Through searchable databases, users are able to access an immense number and a remarkable variety of records from all over Greece and the Greek Diaspora. Additionally, educational initiatives, webinars and articles provide the background necessary for high-quality research.
Family History Research Tools for Greek Genealogy. This is a companion to the Facebook Group "Hellenic Genealogy Geek" where you can post your Greek genealogy family queries and other questions. Search this blog for Greek Surnames - there are thousands recorded here.
Hellenic Genealogy Geek - Family History Research Tools for Greek Genealogy
Search through a growing number of data records on Greeks in Greece and Diaspora countries - currently at 5,300+ records. Free online antiquarian books - re: Greece, Asia Minor, Greek-Americans, etc. Historical photographs collection and much, much more.
MyHeritage has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription.
Spartan Roots (Σπαρτιατικές Ρίζες)
Genealogy research specializing in the region of Sparta, Greece. Research guidance and tutorials.
A one window, megasearch engine for surnames. Can simultaneously search various databases using only one input screen. Includes CGI (LDS Mormons) Greece, Ancestral File (LDS Mormons) Greece, Geneanet Greece, Google, genealogy Greece, Google News Genealogy Greece, Rootsweb message board Greece, Ancestry.com, Email Finder Greece, White Pages Greece.
Greece » General Resources
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