Alemanes del Wolga (Volga) en Argentina
Site documents, articles, bibliographies and other information about the Volga Germans in Argentina.
Volga German immigration to Argentina.
Obituaries and genealogical information about the Germans from Russia of this part of Logan and Stutsman Counties in North Dakota.
Documents and preserves the heritage, history, traditions, and accomplishments of the German colonists who settled in Norka, Russia, as well as their descendants. Lots of photographs and family stories of these Volga Germans, many of whom later settled in Portland, Oregon, and other Pacific Northwest locations.
Odessa Heritage documents the early culture, industry, and community life of Odessa, Washington and neighboring communities throughout southwest Lincoln County, Washington. The collection is a project of the Odessa Public Library, the Odessa Historisches Museum, and local partners, funded by a grant from the Washington State Library.
Saskatchewan, Canada.
Germans from Russia » Locality Specific
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