This is an obituary database of Germans from Russia that AHSGR gave to FamilySearch to make it more accessible to more people. AHSGR called the database SOAR (Save Our Ancestral Records).
Church Records for Odessa and Bessarabia on the Black Sea.
The Gluecksthal Reformed Church, Odessa Township, McPherson Co., South Dakota
Birth records, now in the possession of the Eureka Reformed Church.
It is a depository of Parish records of the Volga Russian Germans on the Volga River.. It is at its beginning and will be expanded as the records we have are extracted. The information will be added as each year is finished. The doors are now open to the public with the considerable amount of information already extracted. You will find an index with “Live Links” to the actual record images. No requesting of the record is required. It’s instant (and free).
Germans from Russia » Birth, Marriage, Death
8 Links