Offers GEDCOM FAQ, GEDCOM version overview, the GEDCOM specifications, some GEDCOM samples and an overview of GEDCOM validators.
Genealogy.com - GEDCOM: The Next Generation
Article by Gary B. Hoffman.
Genealogy and technology articles, news and reviews by Tamura Jones.
A Gentle Introduction to GEDCOM
Authoritative but understandable introduction to GEDCOM by the leading genealogy technology expert.
Article about BetterGEDCOM.
How to detect GEDCOM 5.5EL extensions.
The article that introduced GEDCOM 5.6. Provides best practice for dealing with GEDCOM 5.6.
Best practice for the GEDCOM ADDR tag.
Overview of GEDCOM alternatives, provides brief descriptions and notes, and many links.
When a date field isn't a date field...
Problems and best practice with SOUR and DEST tags in GEDCOM.
Overview of GEDCOM Tags, differences between GEDCOM versions.
Want to write about GEDCOM? Read this first.
An overview of GEDCOM validation tools.
The article that introduced GEDCOM X to the world, a GEDCOM alternative by FamilySearch.
Best practice for dealing with an outdated GEDCOM feature.
Article about OpenGen.
Information and about the _UID tag, a common GEDCOM extension.
The Gedgrave Project finds the burial places of your ancestors and relatives. Simply upload your GEDCOM file and the site looks at various burial websites for information about everyone contained within the file.
The Perl-GEDCOM Mailing List (RootsWeb, archived on Archive-It)
For the discussion of using Perl for genealogical purposes, with the main focus on GEDCOM.
GEDCOM » General Resources
26 Links