Die Ostfriesen in Amerika: Eine illustrierte Geschichte ihrer Kolonien bis zur Gegenwart (1917)
From the Internet Archives, a book by George Schn
From GenWiki, part of the German genealogy server.
Fries Fotoarchief / Frysk Fotoargyf
Het Fries Fotoarchief is de online beeldcollectie van Tresoar en bevat een kleine 80.000 afbeeldingen. Het beeldmateriaal is afkomstig uit overheidscollecties en particuliere collecties. The Frisian Photo Archive is Tresoar's online image collection and contains almost 80,000 images. The images come from government and private collections.
Historical newspapers and maps from Leeuwarden, the provincial capital of Friesland, the Netherlands.
"Stichting Erfskip Terpdoarpen" was founded early 2004 and has -in short- as aim to collect, file and publish genealogy aspects as well as local history of the municipality of Ferwerderadeel in order to make the past visible in the present, at the same time enabling those who are interested to learn about the available information. Local history and genealogy of the municipality of Ferwerderadeel, province of Friesland, the Netherlands.
These pages consist of almost 8,000 ancestors from the island of F
The Ostfriesland Project is open to all persons who believe their ancestors lived in Ostfriesland irrespective of surname.
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