An online genealogy service that allows you to coordinate family research with others worldwide.
Free Family Trees - Search User Submitted Genealogies
User Submitted Genealogies is a set of lineage linked conclusion trees provided to FamilySearch by users. This data comes from the Ancestral File, the Pedigree Resource File and other user submissions.
Lets you create a family tree through a fun, simple interface. When you add a relative's email address, he or she will be invited to join your tree. That relative can then add other relatives, and so on.
OneGreatFamily provides its members with the ability to collaborate and build a world wide genealogy database. Information entered by members can be matched and merged with that of other members to create family trees. The system provides notification of potential matches with data already contained in the database.
What makes WikiTree.com special is its unique Trusted List system. Unlike most wikis, you don't give up copyrights and you control who can access and edit each individual profile page. This enables families to privately share memories, photos, and sensitive information. But the profiles still exist on an interconnected worldwide family tree, so you get the benefits of collaborating with distant relatives and connecting your research with that of others. 100% free. Started in 2008 by the creator of WikiAnswers.
Any WikiTree profile or page can be categorized. Categories help you organize your own family history, help connect genealogists whose family histories intersect, and help historians who are researching specific subjects.
Projects are collaborations for specific topics between WikiTree members.
Family Trees Online » Collaborative or Crowd-Sourced
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