North America Settlers FB GEDmatch Group (Facebook)
Our private FB groups were created to bring distant cousins who share ancestors, together, to collaborate on their family trees using our private projects on GEDmatch and Relative Finder. Sharing your GEDmatch kit number and family tree is the easiest way to meet your distant (sometimes close) cousins in our FB groups. Our portfolio includes 60 private, ancestor research Facebook groups with matching GEDmatch and Relative Finder projects for each State, D.C., Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam and Canada; to further organize research and collaboration with distant cousins who share ancestors.
Spanish Immigrants in the United States (Facebook)
This site aims to be a multi-media resource center for the study of this diaspora, and this underexplored aspect of relations between Spain, the US, and Latin America. Este sitio pretende ser un centro de recursos multi-media para facilitar el estudio de esta diáspora, y de este capítulo poco explorado de las relaciones entre España, Estados Unidos, e Hispanoamérica.
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