Ahnenforschung Zwischen Rhein und BeNeLux (Facebook)
Genealogy Between the Rhine and Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg.
The Arolsen Archives are an international center on Nazi persecution with the world's most comprehensive archive on the victims and survivors of National Socialism.
Breitungen Researchers Club (Facebook)
This group is for researchers that have ancestors from Breitungen, Germany. Breitungen used to be the 3 towns of Altenbreitungen, Frauenbreitungen, and Herrenbreitungen. Many of our ancestors also lived in the communities surrounding the Breitungen area, and all researchers from the general area are welcome to join us!
Die Familienforscher - Familiengeschichte erlebbar machen (Facebook)
Kinder & Jugendliche für Familienforschung interessieren! Interested children and young people in family research!
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