Education programs at the NEHGS Library and Archives of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, Massachusetts.
Blog from the Arkansas Genealogical Society.
Bucks County Comprehensive Calendar of Events
Bucks County Genealogical Society offers a free comprehensive calendar of genealogical/historical events hosted by local organizations or societies, as well as national and virtual conferences.
From the Mining Your History Foundation web site, West Virginia.
Cherokee County Events Information
Information regarding Family Reunions of the COLLINS Family and MOODY Family in Cherokee County, GA.
A genealogy resource website designed to list curate and share genealogy and family history related conferences, events, calls for papers, contests and more, all in one place.
Conference Keeper Newsletter New!
Keep up to date with all genealogical conferences and the latest news, by the National Genealogical Society.
Delaware Genealogical Society - Calendar of Events
The Program Committee has taken extra care to align topics with feedback from the recent member survey. Take note of the start time- 1:00 pm EST– to accommodate members from several different time zones.
Holly T. Hansen, Family History Expos, Inc. President, founded the company in 2003 to feed her passion for genealogy, family history and sharing her knowledge with others. In doing so, Holly has helped thousands understand the techniques and technology to trace their roots in today's ever-changing technological environment.
An up-to-date list of events held by FamilyHistoryWA (FHWA), the largest family history society in Western Australia. You will find educational courses, information seminars, lectures and workshops on a wide range of topics.
Florida State Genealogical Society - Calendar
Upcoming genealogy-related events taking place in Florida.
Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania - Programs and Events
GSP's website lists all of our upcoming events, as well as lists genealogy events happening around the state of Pennsylvania.
Genealogy Calendar of Events (Facebook)
Genealogy Calendar of Events is a team effort to list speakers, lectures, webinars, podcasts, conferences, institutes, trips, seminars, etc. that are of interest to the genealogy community.
Genealogy events from around the world compiled in one easy location.
Events & Activities » Events Calendars
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