The AKuFF above all is an organization of German family tree researchers in Hungary, but it doesn't preclude the possibility of researching Hungarian or other nationalities. The main purpose of the society is to organize the researchers in this organization, promote the exchange of information by getting to know each other's research work, provide scientific background for the members and giving professional assistance necessary for research.
Belarus, nobility, Grand Duchy of Lithuanian, genealogy of Belarus, heraldry of Belarus, history of Belarus, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
Bukovina Society of the Americas
This website covers the migration of Germans from Rhine-Palatinate, W
CEFHA - Continental European Family History Association
Salt Lake City, Utah.
Czechoslovak Genealogical Society International
Promoting genealogical research and creating an interest in ancestry and heritage among descendants of ethnic groups who comprised the former nation of Czechoslovakia, including Bohemian (Czech), German-Bohemian (Bohmisch), Hungarian, Moravian, Ruthenian (Rusyn), Silesian, Slovakian, and those of Jewish ancestry. Headquarters in St. Paul, Minnesota.
Founded by immigrants to Detroit from the shtetl of David-Horodok, in what is now Belarus.
Donauschwaben Villages Helping Hands
Representing the former Danube Swabian villages situated in the six settlement areas which were part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire until 1918: Banat, Batschka, Hungarian Highlands, Sathmar, Slavonia, Swabian Turkey, Syrmia, Bulgaria.
East European Genealogical Society
Winnipeg, Canada.
Eastern Europe Special Interest Group
We are a community devoted to research in Eastern European genealogy and family history. We cover from Russia in the East, to Bulgaria in the South, Estonia in the North and Czechia in the West. Part of the The Ontario Genealogical Society.
Gottscheer Heritage and Genealogy Association
Gottschee, Austria, now known as Kocevje, Slovenia.
Hungarian Genealogy Society of Greater Cleveland
Gates Mills, Ohio.
Jewish Family History Foundation
Works to preserve, acquire, translate and disseminate Jewish records from the archives and other repositories in eastern Europe. The major ongoing project is putting the 18th Century censuses of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania/Kingdom of Poland into an online database. Translating early 19th Century Russian revision lists on which Jewish families first had surnames, to serve as bridge records to the 18th Century lists where families did not have them. Provides support to family history researchers who establish groups to study the history of their ancestral towns and family origins.
Jewish genealogy special interest group researching the southern Russian Polish regions of the Kielce and Radom gubernias.
MacGahan American-Bulgarian Foundation of New Lexington
New Lexington, Ohio.
A branch of the Minnesota Genealogical Society. Our stated purpose is to foster interest in Romanian genealogy; provide opportunities for exchange of knowledge about Romania, its history and culture, immigration from Romania to the U.S., and Romanian family history research; to encourage the establishment of Romanian genealogical resources; to hold meetings for the instruction and interest of members; to collect and publish genealogical, biographical, and historical material related to people of Romanian decent and to work with other organizations to inform about and preserve Romanian genealogy and heritage.
Do you have Romanian ancestors? Are you interested in your Romanian heritage? Welcome to the Romanian Genealogy Society (RGS), a non-profit formed in 2011 to promote Romanian family history research. We hold quarterly membership meetings and publish a quarterly newsletter called
Eastern Europe » Societies & Groups
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