American Family Immigration History Center
Online searchable database of over 22 million passenger names covering roughly 70% of the immigrants processed through Ellis Island between 1892 and 1924.
BallinStadt - The Emigration Museum Hamburg
Searchable database extracted from the Hamburg Passenger Lists for selected years. A major port of embarkation for Eastern Europeans.
Deutsche Auswanderer-Datenbank / German Emigrant Database
From the Historisches Museum Bremerhaven. Intends to provide a searchable database of all European emigrants who emigrated to North America from German ports between 1820 and 1939. Sources are passenger lists. Current database may be searched at the museum in Bremerhaven or by mail for a fee.
Finding Missing Manifests in One Step
Custom interface for the database, by Stephen P. Morse.
Searching the Ellis Island Database in One Step
Custom interface for the database, by Stephen P. Morse.
Searching the Ellis Island Database in One Step (Jewish Passengers)
Custom interface for the database, by Stephen P. Morse.
Searching the Ellis Island Database in One Step (Short Form)
Custom interface for the database, by Stephen P. Morse.
JewishGen - Jewish Names in Selected U.S. State Department Files (RG59)
Class 3, Protection of Interest, 1910-1929, primarily from Palestine, Romania & Austria.
Library and Archives Canada - Immigrants from the Russian Empire, 1898-192
Includes the Likacheff-Ragosine-Mathers (LI-RA-MA) Collection. When completed the collection will contain approximately 11,400 files including passports, passport applications, identity papers and questionnaires containing general information for Jewish, Ukrainian and Finnish immigrants who came to Canada between 1898 and 1922. This collection of the consular offices of the Russian Empire in Canada corresponds to the Russian Consular Records series in the United States.
Library and Archives Canada - Ukrainian Immigrants, 1891-1930
Access to 14,793 references to names of Ukrainians who arrived in Canada between 1891 and 1930.
A bilingual, multimedia English-Russian digital library that tells the story of the American exploration & settlement of the West, the parallel exploration & settlement of Siberia and the Russian Far East, & the meeting of the Russian-American frontier in Alaska & the Pacific Northwest. From the Library of Congress. Includes digital images of maps, original documents & photographs.
Merika - Emigration from Central Europe to America 1880-1914
A downloadable PDF book by Ervin Dubrović.
Eastern Europe » Immigration, Emigration & Migration
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