Carpatho-Rusyn Research Center
The Carpatho-Rusyn Research Center is a non-profit cultural research organization whose purpose is to promote knowledge about all aspects of Carpatho-Rusyn culture through the publication and distribution of scholarly and educational material about the Carpatho-Rusyn heritage in Europe and America.
Slovakia / Carpathian Mts.
Česká archivní společnost, z. s.
Voluntary professional association of archivists that includes pensioners, university teachers, and students of historical auxiliary sciences and archiving, other backers, and sympathizers from the ranks of the professional and general public alike. CAS is dedicated to the theory of archiving, archiving practice, historical auxiliary sciences, and other fields of interest, such as history and historiography.
A fraternal benefits society originally for Czech immigrants.
Czechoslovak Area Genealogy Club of Southern California
This is a group whose research focus is the area of historical Czechoslovakia. They are located in Orange County, California. Information on the group, including places and research names are included on the site.
Czechoslovak Genealogical Society International
Promoting genealogical research and creating an interest in ancestry and heritage among descendants of ethnic groups who comprised the former nation of Czechoslovakia, including Bohemian (Czech), German-Bohemian (Bohmisch), Hungarian, Moravian, Ruthenian (Rusyn), Silesian, Slovakian, and those of Jewish ancestry. Headquarters in St. Paul, Minnesota.
East European Genealogical Society
Winnipeg, Canada.
First Catholic Slovak Union of the United States and Canada
Slovak fraternal organization.
German-Bohemian Heritage Society
New Ulm, Minnesota. German-Bohemians are people who have either lived in or have ancestry in the outer rim of the Czech Republic.
St. Paul, Minnesota.
Organization of child holocaust survivors who were sent, without their parents, out of Austria, Germany, Poland and Czechoslovakia to Great Britain.
Slovak fraternal organization.
Texas Czech Genealogical Society
To preserve items of genealogical interest to the Texas Czech Genealogical Community and make them available to the general public (including, but not limited to, preservation of rare books, manuscripts, vital records and personal notes).
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