Brezova pod Bradlom in the Slovak Republic: History, Genealogy, Culture
Links to genealogical pages referring to Brezova pod Bradlom in the Slovak Republic.
Genealogical & Local History Licartovce
This site provides a detailed Genealogical and Local History of Ličartovce, Pre
Genealogie: Sudetenland, Boehmen, Maehren - Hilfe bei der Suche nach Vorfahren aus dem Sudetenland
German settlement area in Bohemia/Moravia/Austrian Silesia -> Czechoslovakia -> Czech Republik.
The Kolackov Project has extracted baptism, marriage, death and census records from this charming village in Spis County of the Slovak Republic.
Korzenie - Congregation Genealogical Quarterly
The subjects of our research are: the history, the cultural ties, the people's genealogy of multi-ethnic weaver colony Kamienica Polska near Czestochowa (settlement established by German and Czech colonists who had acquired, in 1818, some allotments from Antonina and Florian Sadowski); the history of the noble families from the region of Czestochowa, Kozieglowy, Zarki and Siewierz in the XVIIIth and XIXth century; the people's life and the history of the underground resistance in the border of the General Government and the German Reich.
Genealogical resource for descendants of immigrants from Litmanova, Slovakia.
Metzenseifen (Medzev) Homepage
Historical and genealogical data from Unter- and Ober-Metzenseifen & to preserve Metzenseifen heritage.
Rudolf Pavlovič :: family-trees :: ascendants :: genealogy :: Home
Lost registers of the villages in eastern Slovakia. Genealogical charts, heraldry, family-trees. Searching for ascendants in archives and registers.
Slovak Pride Database Updated
Search 30,000 Slovak surnames with village of origin, plus a few from neighboring regions. The Slovak Pride Database website is sponsored by the Slovak Heritage & Folklore Society International.
strani.cz: oficiální stránky obce Strání
Moravian town in the Czech Republic bordering Slovakia.
Surnames of Carpathorusyn Villages
Research of surnames from three Rusyn villages located in the Carpathian Mountains of southeastern Poland (Lemko area) and northeastern Slovakia: Dudynce, Swiatkowa Wielka and Hrabovcik. All the resources used to gather family information are described.
The Kolackov Project (Facebook)
The Kolackov Project Facebook Group contains transcriptions of census, baptism, marriage, death and confirmation records from Kolačkov, Stará Ľubovňa, Slovakia. A translated history of Kolackov and other information may also be found in the group. Records may be downloaded for non-commercial use. Anyone may join the Kolackov Project Group.
Czech Republic & Slovakia » Locality Specific
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