Airtable Research Log by Carolyn Guntur
This is the research log Carolyn uses in her work as a professional genealogist. It is also used in an e-course she teaches.
Airtable Research Logs - Family Locket
Nicole Dyer has designed several Airtable Workspaces for Genealogy. They are summarized in the blog post at the link, which contains links to the templates. They are useful for research logs, cluster genealogy and DNA matches.
Census Tools Electronic Spreadsheets $
The CensusTools Spreadsheet Pack includes census spreadsheets for the US, Canada , England, Ireland, and Scotland as well as state spreadsheets for Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts , Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin.
Excel-ling Genealogists (Facebook)
For those of us who couldn't solve our genealogy brickwalls without the diligent and tenacious use of Excel.
Family Tree Template - Google Sheets
Google Family Tree Template allows to collect GEDCOM-style data as linked sheets. You can walk it through by clicking links to parents, marriages and children. Such complete view on family tree members might be sometimes helpful and convenient.
Free Family Tree Template | Printable Blank Family Tree Chart
Create and print a multi-generational family tree or horizontal pedigree chart using a spreadsheet. Multiple designs and formats available, including portrait and landscape orientations.
Genealogy Research Log in AirTable
Genealogy Research Log Template by Relatively Curious.
Genohistory - Narrowing Dates Calculator
A census record offers you a moment in time when your ancestor was, say, five years old. That gives you a potential birth date range of 365 days, plus a possible Leap Day. If you use multiple records, however, you can use the overlaps to whittle down that range, getting closer to the real date. Doing this math in your head, unfortunately, can launch a headache. But I have a solution: the Date Narrowing Calculator.
Golden Channel Publishing - Early Federal Census Worksheet $
Take the pain out of attempting to extract meaning from the early federal censuses from 1790 to 1860. Enjoy either the Premium Edition for Microsoft Excel
How to Create a Timeline in Excel
Create a historical timeline using the Excel Timeline Template.
Modèles d'arbres généalogiques
A French website that offers free genealogical resources. On our website you can download templates, genealogical cards and view basic information about genealogy. In addition, we create genealogical trees for different series, movies and historical subjects.
Office.com Templates - Search results for family tree
Microsoft offers free family tree templates and invitations that are perfect for your next family reunion.
The Shy Genealogist ~ Researching Russell Co, Kentucky - Archives: Excel
A series of blog posts for using Excel to create genealogy research forms.
U.S. Census Returns and Blank Forms for Recording Returns FREE
1790-1930, downloadable spreadsheet forms.
USGenWeb Free Census Project Help, Census Templates and Spreadsheets
MSExcel Spreadsheet, MSWorks Spreadsheet, and Tab Text Templates for transcribing the U.S. census from 1790-1940.
Charts & Forms » Spreadsheets
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