Andrea's Ancestors - Templates
Excel template for chromosome maps.
Cyndi's DNA Testing Record Template
This is a template for you to keep track of the DNA tests you are using. You might also keep track of the price you paid for each test. Copyright © 2014-2015 Cyndi Ingle. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for personal research use. Commercial use is prohibited.
Deb's Delvings in Genealogy: X-DNA Inheritance Charts
Word, RTF and PDF templates for creating printable X-DNA inheritance charts.
By Don Worth.
Memories in Time - DNA Match - Leeds Method Worksheet
These worksheets have been developed for those that prefer to do things by hand, rather than use spreadsheets.
Memories in Time - DNA Match Chart - Downloadable
Stay organised with your DNA matches. This chart is designed for you to keep track of your shared matches and find where you are related.
Charts & Forms » DNA
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