A Collection of Workers' Memorials
Listing of Workers' memorials by state from the AFL-CIO.
Ancestry.com - Search Birth, Marriage, & Death Records
Includes burial records in this collection. Searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images available with fee-based subscription.
Caldwell County, Missouri, Cemetery Records, Vol. 6
Original source: Ellsberry, Elizabeth Prather, comp. Cemetery Records of Breckenridge, Caldwell County, Missouri. Chillicothe, MO, USA: Elizabeth Prather Ellsberry, c1965.
Callaway County, Missouri, Cemetery Records, Vol. 1-3, 6
Original source: Ellsberry, Elizabeth Prather, comp. Cemetery Records of Callaway County, Missouri. Chillicothe, MO, USA: Elizabeth Prather Ellsberry, c1965.
Camden County, Missouri, Cemetery Records, Vol. 1
Original source: Ellsberry, Elizabeth Prather, comp. Cemetery Records of Camden County, Missouri. Vol. I. Chillicothe, MO, USA: Elizabeth Prather Ellsberry, c1965.
Cape Girardeau and Adjoining Counties, Missouri, Cemetery Records
Original source: Ellsberry, Elizabeth Prather, comp. Cemetery Records of Cape Girardeau and adjoining counties in Missouri. Chillicothe, MO, USA: Elizabeth Prather Ellsberry, c1965.
Carroll County, Missouri, Cemetery Records, Vol. I, III-IV
Original source: Ellsberry, Elizabeth Prather, comp. Cemetery Records of Carroll County, Missouri. Vol. I, III-IV. Chillicothe, MO, USA: Elizabeth Prather Ellsberry, c1965.
Cass County, Missouri, Cemetery Records, Vol. 1
Original source: Ellsberry, Elizabeth Prather, comp. Cemetery Records of Cass County, Missouri . Vol. I. Chillicothe, MO, USA: Elizabeth Prather Ellsberry, c1965.
Cedar County, Missouri, Cemetery Records, Vol. 2
Original source: Elizabeth Prather, comp. Cemetery Records for Cedar County, Missouri. Vol. II. Chillicothe, MO, USA: Elizabeth Prather Ellsberry, c1965.
Chariton County, Missouri, Cemetery Records, Vol. 1 & 2
Original source: Ellsberry, Elizabeth Prather, comp. Cemetery Records of Chariton County, Missouri. Vol. I-II. Chillicothe, MO, USA: Elizabeth Prather Ellsberry, c1965.
Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio: Camp Chase Cemetery
Original source: Original cemetery and The Story of Camp Chase. Nashville Methodist Episcopal Church 1906 and Camp Chase Cemetery, Columbus, Ohio: Franklin County.
Cooper County, Missouri, Cemetery Records, Vol. 1-12
Original source: Ellsberry, Elizabeth Prather, comp. Cemetery Records of Cooper County, Missouri Volume I-X, XII. Chillicothe, MO: Elizabeth Prather Ellsberry, circa 1965. Ellsberry, Elizabeth Prather, comp. Cooper County, Missouri Cemetery Records Volume XI Addendum to the Volumes I to X of the records Part I-III. Chillicothe, MO: Elizabeth Prather Ellsberry, circa 1965.
Cross Creek, Pennsylvania Cemetery History
Original source: Simpson, James. History of the Graveyard Connected with Cross Creek Presbyterian Church. Burgettstown, PA, USA: Etnerprise-Call Office, 1894.
Croydon, Surrey County Gravestones
Original source: Croydon in the Past: Historical, Monumental, and Biographical: Being a History of the Town as Depicted on the Tombs, Tablets, and Gravestones in the Churches, Churchyards, and Cemetery of the Parish, Including also Memorials of the Neighboring Villages of Beddington, Shirley, and Addington; Preceded by Original and Interesting Historical Notes. Croydon, England: Jesse W. Ward, 1883.
Cairns, Queensland, Australia and far north Queensland Cemeteries and links.
Calaveras County, California Cemeteries
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
Caldwell County Cemetery Information
Alberta, Canada.
California Genealogy and History Archives - California Cemeteries - Los Angeles County
Photos and transcriptions.
California's Calaveras County Cemeteries
Includes a partial list of persons buried in the San Andreas, Calaveras County, California, Saint Andrews Catholic Cemetery from 1857 to present.
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Calvary Cemetery - Dayton, Ohio
Located in Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio. Includes a searchable database and map.
Calvary Cemetery, San Diego, CA
This site is devoted to preserving the memory and honoring the lives of the people who are buried in the historic Calvary Cemetery at 1501 Washington Place in San Diego, California. It is intended to be a comprehensive study and presentation of existing information.
Camp Moore Confederate Cemetery and Museum
Tangipahoa, Louisiana.
Campbell County Cemetery District
Located in Wyoming. Includes a searchable database and map for the following cemeteries: Mt. Pisgah Cemetery, Bethlehem Cemetery, ER Cemetery, Four Mile Cemetery, Kintz Cemetery, Rozet Cemetery, Savageton Cemetery, Wright Cemetery.
Campbell County Wyoming Public Library System - Fox Funeral Home
The Fox Funeral Home was the first funeral home opened in Gillette, WY opening in 1907. These records span the years 1907-1947.
Campo Santo-holy ground - The Graveyard Rabbit of Alta California
This blog is a member of the Association of Graveyard Rabbits.
Camrose County GenWeb - The Cemetery List
Alberta, Canada.
A free and searchable listing of more than 18,000 known Canadian cemeteries. Includes cemetery location, history and where to find transcripts, indexes & photos.
Canadian Funeral Guide & Comprehensive Funeral Homes Directory.
This is the oldest and the largest free access national Canadian site which collects and displays photos of grave markers in cemeteries. Currently there are almost 1,000 completely photographed cemeteries and 400,000 photos online.
Our mission is to capture images and the complete transcription of the headstones of our Canadian ancestors.
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