Akin Funeral Home Index Lookup
Sullivan County, Indiana.
Alcorn County, MSGenWeb - Funeral Records
Coleman, Corinthian, Magnolia and McPeters Funeral Homes.
Ancestry.com - California, Mortuary and Cemetery Records, 1801-1932 $
Original source: Several, see description.
Ancestry.com - California, Mortuary Records of Chinese Decedents, 1870-1933 $
Original source: Mortuary Records of Chinese Decedents in California Compiled by the San Francisco, California, Immigration Office, 6/2/1870 - 4/30/1933 . NARA Microfilm Publication A4040; NAI 2922416. Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, 1787
Ancestry.com - California, San Francisco Area Funeral Home Records, 1895-1985 $
Original source: San Francisco Area Funeral Home Records, 1895-1985. Microfilm publication, 1129 rolls. Researchity. San Francisco, California.
Ancestry.com - Leavenworth, Kansas Funeral Home Records, 1942-1954 $
Original source: Leavenworth County Genealogical Society. Sexton Funeral Home Packets, 1942-1994.
Original source: Collins, George Knapp,. Mortuary records with genealogical notes of the town of Spafford, Onondaga County, New York. Syracuse, N.Y.: Onondaga Historical Association, 1917.
Ancestry.com - Panama Canal Zone, Gorgas Hospital Mortuary Records, 1906-1991 $
Original source: Index to the Gorgas Hospital Mortuary Death Records, 1906-1991 [Archival Database]; Records of the Panama Canal, Record Group 185; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD.
Ancestry.com - Pennsylvania, Order Sons of Italy in America, Mortuary Fund Claims, 1917-1978 $
Original source: Order Sons of Italy in America. OSIA Pennsylvania Mortuary Fund Claims. Microfilm, 47 rolls. Washington, DC: Order Sons of Italy in America.
Ancestry.com - San Francisco Area, California, Funeral Home Records, 1850-1931 $
Original source: California, San Francisco Area Funeral Home Records, 1835-1931. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013.
Original source: Kraft, Herbert C.. The Rosenkrans site, an Adena-related mortuary complex in the upper Delaware Valley, New Jersey. unknown: unknown, 1984.
Ancestry.com - U.S., Cemetery and Funeral Home Collection, 1847-2017 $
Original source: See source information provided with each entry.
Ancestry.com - Wayne County, Indiana, Quaker Funeral Home Records, 1939-1974 $
Original source: Jones-Placke Funeral Home Records, 1939
Ancestry.com - Web: North Dakota, Select Funeral Home Indexes, 1903-1997 $
Original source: Funeral Homes Indexes. Red River Valley Genealogy Society. Ancestry.com has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription. Free articles and helpful research materials.
Ancestry.com - Web: Rapid City, South Dakota, Mortuary Indexes, 1879-1971 $
Original source: Mortuary Indexes. Rapid City Society for Genealogical Research, Inc.
Archives West: Seattle funeral homes records collection, 1916-1999
Seattle, Washington.
Campbell County Wyoming Public Library System - Fox Funeral Home
The Fox Funeral Home was the first funeral home opened in Gillette, WY opening in 1907. These records span the years 1907-1947.
Cason Monk-Metcalf Funeral Directors
Cason Monk-Metcalf Funeral Directors started in the last decade of the 1800s and was incorporated in 1906 as Cason Monk & Co. The original owners were D.K. Cason, R.C. Monk, Edwin Gaston Jr., and Boutin Cason. They ran their funeral business above the Cason Monk Hardware Store on Main St. in Nacogdoches, TX. In 1947 the company acquired and moved into Branch Patton's house on Mound St. where it remained until 1986. At that time Cason Monk & Co. merged with Oakley Metcalf Funeral Home and relocated to its current location on North Street across from Sunset Cemetery. The funeral home is currently operated by Dignity Memorial. Volumes will be added to the digital collection as completed and the original records remain in the custody and care of Cason Monk-Metcalf Funeral Directors. Once completed, the collection will consist of over 100 volumes starting in 1900 of historic funeral records from the two businesses. The 1900 through 1929 volumes include the following information and are searchable by name of deceased.
Central Florida Memory - Carey Hand
The University of Central Florida Special Collections holds the Funeral Home Records from 1891-1955. Forty four books of the Undertaker
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