ANLA - Archival Resource Catalogue
The Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives (ANLA)'s portal to descriptions of archival records throughout Newfoundland and Labrador. You can search the Archival Resource Catalogue (ARC) to find records of individuals, families and organisations from the collections among member institutions of ANLA.
Archives Canada - Links - Newfoundland and Labrador
Originally from the University of Saskatchewan
Bonavista Archives - Town of Bonavista - Newfoundland, Canada
The Archives' textual records date from the 18th to the 20th century. They include material relating to the history of the town and citizens of Bonavista and the surrounding area. These records include business ledgers; indentures; photographs; postcards; maps; architectural plans; audiotapes; and church records. Finding aids are available for some holdings. Genealogy material: the Archives has extensive material available for people researching their family history.
FamilySearch - FamilySearch Center Locator: Newfoundland and Labrador
From the FamilySearch web site. Includes address, telephone number and hours of operation.
From the FamilySearch web site, an online catalog to the holdings of Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah. Microfilm loans can be ordered and then sent to your local Family History Center.
LibDex - The Library Index - Newfoundland
A worldwide directory of links to library homepages and web-based OPACs (Online Public Access Catalogs).
Aboriginal Heritage; Births, Marriages, and Deaths; Census and Enumerations; Immigration and Citizenship; Military Heritage; Ethno-Cultural Groups; Land Records; Employment.
The Maritime History Archive collects and preserves documents relating to the history of maritime activities in Newfoundland and Labrador and throughout the North Atlantic world. Website contains a searchable index to crew lists of British registered vessels, 1857 - 1942.
Books, government documents, maps, newspapers, photographs, yearbooks, and more.
Researching genealogy and family history
Of particular interest, the Archive is the depository of the the Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen, Agreements and Account of Crew, 1863-1938, 1951-1976. Agreements and account of crew of British Empire vessels, containing the names of officers and seamen; their date and place of birth; the date and place of joining and leaving the vessel; the previous vessel; wages, rank and reason for leaving the vessel; ports of call and a description of the vessel.
St. David's Presbyterian Church Archives
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada.
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