Battlefield House Museum and Park
Stoney Creek, Ontario, Canada.
Canadian Military Heritage Museum
Canadian War Museum - Canadian Newspapers and the Second World War
This collection of more than 140,000 clippings, arranged by subject and date, includes news stories and editorials from newspapers, mostly Canadian, documenting every aspect of the war.
Fortress of Louisbourg - Research
Nova Scotia.
German - Canadian Museum of Applied History
History of of German troops defending Canada from 1776 to 1783. Including a history of the Duchy of Brunswick, photos of Brunswick and other cities in the old Duchy.
International Committee of the Red Cross - Archives
Geneva, Switzerland. Instructions on how to request information on victims of armed struggle (prisoner of war, civilian held captive, deceased or interned).
Kingsville Historical Park - Charlie Campbell Museum
Kingsville, Ontario. Military museum commemorating Essex county residents.
Library and Archives Canada / Bibliothèque et Archives Canada
The Ward Chipman Papers contain nearly 19,000 references to Loyalists, and their families, who were members of demobilized regiments that settled in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, Canada.
Military Communications and Electronics Museum / Mus
This museum is hosting the websites regarding the RCAF that were created by the late Ren L'ecuyer. These sites contain a lot of data about members of the forces, photos, history etc. That Ren had accumulated over the years. One site includes photos of all the grave markers for both military and civilian at the Choloy Cemetery. A great place to research both RCAF members and their families. Located in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
The Royal Canadian Air Force Museum
The Royal Canadian Regiment Museum
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