[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
Birth Date Calculator - An Aid for Family Historians
Freeware which assists Family Historians in calculating dates from any two of the three following elements Birth Date, Event Date, Age at Event.
Calendar Calc for Mac OS - Peter LEWIS Software
Help calculate a person's birth date when looking at census records or marriage certificates. All UK, US and Canadian census years are included.
Javascript utility page. Input current age or year of birth, U.S. high school or college graduation or death. It generates a web page with charts showing estimated year of births, graduations, deaths for that person and parents. Assumes all dates are 31 December.
Genohistory - Narrowing Dates Calculator
A census record offers you a moment in time when your ancestor was, say, five years old. That gives you a potential birth date range of 365 days, plus a possible Leap Day. If you use multiple records, however, you can use the overlaps to whittle down that range, getting closer to the real date. Doing this math in your head, unfortunately, can launch a headache. But I have a solution: the Date Narrowing Calculator.
JavaScript Birthdate Calculator
Calculates birthdate from death date and age of death in day/month/year format.
Parallax View - Analyses the overlap between multiple date ranges
Analyses the intersections of a list of separate date ranges and reports the effective overlap (may be multiple if disjoint ranges). For instance, if you have several calculated ranges describing the same birth event then this form will calculate the smaller range over which they all overlap. The 'Remember' button of the Birth Date calculator (above it) can also add to the list of ranges. Entries can be ticked as 'ignore' to remove outliers before a re-analysis. The 'Bar Chart' button shows (or hides) a more detailed chart showing the overlap contributions across the whole date range. This may be useful if the ranges actually describe distinct events rather than just one.
Parallax View - Birth-Date Calculator
Calculates range of possible birth dates given an age (in years and/or months) and a date-of-recording, Contains options to help with early Canadian census, and 1841 census of England and Wales.
Sorted By Birth Date - Birthdate Calculator
New feature. Enter the date of the event and a person's age in years, months and days, to see the person's date of birth. Many death records and cemetery monuments give the age in years, months and days instead of the date of birth.
Calendars & Dates » Birthdate Calendars and Calculators
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