Adelaide Proformat - South Australian Births, Deaths and Marriages before civil registration
Civil registration began in South Australia on 1 June 1842.
Australasia Births, Deaths and Marriages Exchange
The aim of the Australasia Births, Deaths and Marriages Exchange is to provide genealogists with a free resource to share information about details contained on civil and parish records registered in Australia and civil records registered in New Zealand.
Birth, Death and Marriage Historical Records
You can search and order New Zealand Government records for births, deaths and marriages (BDM) here. The historic data available for you to search is limited so that information relating to people who might still be alive, can be protected. Information available includes: Births that occurred at least 100 years ago; Stillbirths that occurred at least 50 years ago; Marriages that occurred 80 years ago; Deaths that occurred at least 50 years ago or the deceased's date of birth was at least 80 years ago.
Births Deaths and Marriages - Government of South Australia
Civil registration information for the state of South Australia.
Births, Deaths & Marriages Victoria
Search Australian (State of Victoria) historical records: births from 1853 - 1912, marriages 1853 - 1942, deaths 1853-1985, church records 1836-1853.
Births, deaths and marriages - dia.govt.nz
From The Department of Internal Affairs, New Zealand.
Colonial Tasmanian Family Links Database
A database made up of records of births, deaths, and marriages, as well as other events, that is designed to connect families with ancestors who lived in Tasmania in the 19th century.
A handy table describing available BMD indexes for Australia.
New Zealand.
FamilySearch - Australia, Births and Baptisms, 1792-1981 FREE
Index to selected Australia births and baptisms. Only a few localities are included and the time period varies by locality. This collection contains 619,453 records. Due to privacy laws, recent records may not be displayed. The year range represents most of the records. A few records may be earlier or later.
FamilySearch - Australia, Tasmania, Civil Registration of Births, 1899-1912 FREE
Civil registration of births for Tasmania, Australia. Original records are located in the Tasmania Department of Justice, Hobart.
FamilySearch - Australia, Tasmania, Civil Registration, 1803-1933 FREE
Civil registration of baptisms, births, marriages, deaths, and burials in Tasmania, Australia. Original records are kept in the Archives Office of Tasmania in Hobart, Australia.
Genealogical Sources Guide Births, Deaths and Marriages
From the Hocken Collections/Te Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago Library, New Zealand.
Genealogy SA - Online Database Search
From the South Australian Genealogy & Heraldry Society: Newspaper Birth Notices Index from 1960 onwards; Newspaper Death Notices Index from 1972 onwards; South Australia Cemeteries Index; Birth Registration Certificates Index 1842 - 1928; Death Registration Certificates Index 1842 - 1972; Marriage Registration Certificates Index 1842 - 1937.
Our records of births, deaths and marriages in NSW date from 1856. Early church records from 1788 to 1855 are also available. Our search engine allows unrestricted searching, with no identification required for: Births over 100 years ago, deaths over 30 years ago, marriages over 50 years ago.
New Zealand Birth and Death Entries
Shows the format of these civil registration records and what information they record.
South Australian Birth, Marriage & Death Directory
Early South Australian births including those prior to civil registration. Birth, baptism, marriage, death, burial & obituary resources.
Births & Baptisms » Locality Specific: Australia & New Zealand
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