Comprehensive information on the memorials in Brussels - the plaques, monuments, statues, etc., that commemorate a person or an event. Each memorial is photographed and plotted on a map; the text is transcribed, in the original French and in English. Site includes the war memorials each of which lists dozens of war dead.
Digitale Bronbewerkingen Nederland en België
A list of resources for the Internet, bulletin board systems (BBS) and disk/CD-Rom.
Diplomatic Sources from the Medieval Southern Low Countries. Descriptions and images of medieval charters of parts of modern-day Belgium, Luxembourg, France, and the Netherlands.
FV Meetjesland - Digitale bronbewerkingen
Parish records 1600-1800 of Maldegem, Adegem, Oostwinkel and St Laureins Staten van Goed, in Belgium.
Belgium / Belgique / België » Miscellaneous Records
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