Samford University Library - The Alabama Baptist historical issues
The Alabama Baptist is a weekly paper first published in 1843. The newspaper includes denominational news as well as cultural, social, and contemporary news of the time.
Since 1833, the Biblical Recorder has served as a news outlet for North Carolina Baptists. The organization was founded by Thomas Meredith, an early pastor, writer and denominational statesman in North Carolina.
The Biblical Recorder, 1834-1970 - ZSR Library
The Biblical Recorder is the official journal of the North Carolina Baptist State Convention. Currently published biweekly, it has been in existence since 1833, when it was founded by Thomas Meredith, a Baptist pastor in New Bern, North Carolina. The Z. Smith Reynolds Library's North Carolina Baptist Historical Collection is the official repository for North Carolina Baptist churches and institutions.
Baptist » Newspapers
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