Albany Regional Family History Society
Albany, Western Australia, Australia.
Australind Family History Society
Australind, Western Australia, Australia.
Bunbury, Western Australia - KING Cottage was built by Henry KING and his sons in the early 1880s. KING was a brickmaker and made all the bricks himself. The cottage, now a museum, was occupied by four generations of the KING family.The museum it is a fine example of a home in which a working class family lived during the period from the 1880s until the 1920s.
Collie Family History Society Inc. (Facebook)
Collie, Western Australia, Australia.
Eastern Goldfields Historical Society, Inc
History of the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia - Kalgoorlie, Boulder, Coolgardie, Menzies. Photographs, indexes, maps, general research done.
Esperance Family History Society
Esperance, Western Australia, Australia.
Family History Society of Rockingham & Districts Inc.
An affiliated society of the Western Australia Genealogical Society.
Formerly known as WAGS (Western Australian Genealogical Society), FHWA is the premier genealogical society in Western Australia. The website includes hundreds of thousands of records gathered over the forty year life of the society.
Geraldton Family History Society Inc.
Geraldton, Western Australia, Australia.
Great Southern Family History Society
Western Australia, Australia. Covers the great southern District with Katanning as the Central Town. Some of the other towns included in our membership area are Broomehill, Cranbrook, Dumbleyung, Gnowangerup, Katanning, Kojonup,Tambellup, Nyabing, Wagin, and Woodanilling.
Mandurah Family History Society Inc
Mandurah, Western Australia, Australia.
Two Rocks Yanchep Family History Group
Situated on the West Coast of Australia we have families living here from all over the world. The group is interested to hear from anyone with information on any of the names we are researching.
Australia » States & Territories » Western Australia » Societies & Groups
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