Australia & New Zealand Genealogy - Favos.nl
Links and Info.
Australian-English Genealogy database contains family trees for Australians descended from British convicts and family trees of persons who migrated from the British Isles to Australia and New Zealand. There are also listings for families who migrated to Australia from European countries and families who migrated to Canada, the United States and South Africa, from the British Isles and Europe. The convict database contains information regarding crime committed, transport to Australia and their lives after arriving in Australia.
A blog to discuss various aspects about researching your family history in Australia.
Ezilon Australia genealogy web directory
A collection list of Australia's genealogy related information websites.
Family Tree Oz - Discover your Family Tree
Search unique genealogy online databases which include database covering a variety of sources from directories and almanacs in the 1800s through to early vehicle owners and more.
FamilySearch - Australia Research Page FREE
Resources all on one-page for research in this state including links to the FamilySearch Wiki, the Learning Center, the FamilySearch Library Catalog, and the Historical Records Collection.
FamilySearch - Location Research - Australia FREE
FamilySearch brought together tools to help you with your research in this country: indexed historical records, image-only historical records, and links to the FHL catalog and the FamilySearch Wiki.
Findmypast - Search All Record Sets - Australia & New Zealand $
Findmypast has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription.
Free Australian Ancestry|Australian Ancestry Free|Australian Genealogy
A collection of free ancestry resources for all regions of Australia.
News relevant to Australian genealogists.
Genealogy Search Australia - Genealogy and Family History Search Engine and Directory
Australian Genealogy Search Engine and Directory for the most useful Australian and International sites. Search for that missing link or list your Family Tree, Personal Page or website for free.
GenealogyInTime Magazine - Australia Genealogy Records
A handy guide to the most recent genealogy records on the internet organized by country and region.
MyHeritage has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription.
Australia » General Resources
38 Links