For family historians with Quaker ancestors from the British Isles.
Qualicum Beach Family History Society
Information about Parksville, Qualicum Beach and Central Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.
Quatuor Coronati Lodge No 2076
Research Lodge for Freemasonry.
Seattle, Washington.
Queens County Historical Society
Nova Scotia, Canada.
New York.
Queens, New York.
Queensland Family History Society Inc.
Largest genealogical CD-ROM collection in Australia. We have published over 8 million records on CD and have more than 2 million further records in preparation. Included in our recent releases is the Queensland Women
For the Quesnel area of British Columbia, Canada.
Questing Heirs Genealogical Society, Inc.
Long Beach, California.
Quinte Branch Ontario Ancestors
The Quinte Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society (OGS) covers the Bay of Quinte area (Hastings and Prince Edward Counties) and encourages, assists, and brings together all those interested in the pursuit of family history.
West Midlands, England.
The Queen's Royal Lancers Regimental Association
Successor regiment to the 16th Lancers, 17th Lancers, 21st Lancers, & 5th Lancers.
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