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Contributions of John L. Thorndike to the Massachusetts Statute book; extracts from the Proceedings before the Supreme judicial court of Massachusetts, April 23, 1921 ...

The practical operation of the Massachusetts statute for ascertaining the mental condition of persons coming before the courts (Sec. 99, Ch. 123, G.L., Ter. Ed.) by Winfred...

The contributions of John L. Thorndike to the Massachusetts statute book.

The Massachusetts statute for ascertaining the mental condition of persons coming before the courts of the Commonwealth in the light of recent decisions, by Winfred Overholser ...

An abridgment of law, with practical forms, in two parts : Part I. An abridgment of Blackstone's Commentaries--Massachusetts statute laws, and Massachusetts term reports. Part...

Revised laws relating to public instruction, enacted by the legislature of November 21, 1901, to take effect January 1, 1902; also subsequent amendments and additions from 1902...

By-laws of the company. With rules and regulations of the directors,and a compilation of the statute law of Massachusetts relating to Massachusetts joint stock insurance...

Patient abuse in long-term care facilities : an explanation of the Patient Abuse Statute.

Statute of the commonwealth of Massachusetts relating to savings Banks and Institutions for savings. Chap. 317, acts of 1894. Issued from the Office of the Commissioners of...

Address to the people of Massachusetts, by the friends of temperance : and of the statute of 1838, 'for the regulation of the sale of spiritous liquors.'

Patient abuse in long-term care facilities [electronic resource]: an explanation of the Patient Abuse Statute.

Plan B charter, so called. As embodied in chapter 43, General laws, with amendments thereto. Effective in the city of Lowell, on the first Monday of January, 1923.

The Statute of York and the interest of the Commons;

Statutes relating to taxes and excises for revenue upon corporations in Massachusetts.

The Attorney General's guide for homeowners / Scott Harshbarger.

The Stock transfer tax : Acts of 1914, Chapter 770, as amended by Acts of 1915, Chapter 238 : copy of the statute, rules and interpretations / Old Colony Trust Company.

The statute law of municipal corporations in Massachusetts, with historical introductions tracing the development of the law from its beginning in every department of municipal...

Guidelines for the appointment of housing authority executive directors.

Statutes relating to savings banks, institutions for savings and foreign banking associations or corporations. Chapter 113 of the revised laws and acts supplementary thereto....

Statutes of Massachusetts relating to weights and measures and the licensing, inspection and sale of various articles, with an appendix containing recent federal legislation....

Statutes relating to manufacturing and other corporations, organized under general laws, whose organizations must be examined by the Commissioner of Corporations. Prepared under...

Catalogue of the private library of the late Hon. Ezra Wilkinson ... including a vary rare collection of the statute laws of Massachusetts ... To be sold by auction ... Sept....

Tables of descent and distribution of real and personal property at common law and under Massachusetts statutes. By Charles E. Burke and Charles W. French.

Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, relating to trees, compiled by Harvey N. Shepard for the Committee on Forestry and Roadside Improvement of the Massachusetts...

Statutes relating to manufacturing and other corporations, organized under general laws, whose organizations must be examined by the Commissioner of Corporations. Prepared under...

Catalogue of the private library of the late Ezra Wilkinson, including a very rare collection of the statute laws of Massachusetts,etc., to be sold by auction on Sept....

A manual of laws relating to state Board of Charity of Mass.

Practice and pleading in civil actions and proceedings at law in all the courts of Massachusettts. With a chapter on equity jurisdiction and practice under the Statute of 1883,...

The charter and ordinances of the city of Lowell : together with statute provisions relating thereto / published by order of the city council.

Statutes relating to manufacturing and other corporations, organized under general laws, whose organizations must be examined by the Commissioner of Corporations. Prepared under...

History of Massachusetts statutes relating to delinquent youth / Governor's Anti-Crime Council, Juvenile Code Study and Revision Project.

The acts of incorporation, and by-laws of the Nashua Manufacturing Company. : Together with extracts from the statute laws of New Hampshire, relative to manufacturing...

Public statutes relating to manufacturing and other corporations, organized under general laws, whose organizations must be examined by the Commissioner of Corporations...

Final report / Governor's Council on Capital Punishment.

The negotiable instruments law of Pennsylvania. From the draft prepared for the Commissioners on Uniformity of Laws, and enacted in New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island,...

The negotiable instruments law, from the draft prepared for the Commissioners on uniformity of laws, and enacted in New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut,...

The general statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts : enacted December 28, 1859, to take effect June 1, 1860 : with the Constitutions of the state and the United States, a...

Massachusetts school council handbook / Massachusetts Department of Education.

The Supreme court and the World court / 1832 and 1932, by Charles Warren. Record of ratifications and signatures to: the protocol of signature of the World court, the optional...

The early records of the town ...

Report of the Hon. Charles Jackson, relating to the revised statutes, and the existing general laws of the commonwealth.

An index to the Public statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and to the public acts of 1882 to 1887, both inclusive / by William V. Kellen.

The General statutes of the commonwealth of Massachusetts / revised by commissioners appointed under a resolve of February 16, 1855 ; amended by the legislature, and passed...

The Negotiable instruments law, from the draft prepared for the Commissioners on uniformity of laws and enacted in Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia,...

The new revision of the statutes of Massachusetts / from the Law Reporter for January, 1859

Supplements to the revised statutes : laws of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, passed subsequently to the revised statutes : to which are prefixed a table of references ... /...

The public statutes of Massachusetts relating to public instruction ... 1888.

The public statutes of Massachusetts relating to public instruction, with annotations and explanations.

Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts relating to banks and banking.

The public statutes of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, enacted Nov. 19, 1881.

The revised statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and additional laws to 1844, reduced to questions and answers, for the use of schools and families.

Supplements to the Revised statutes. : General laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; passed subsequently to the Revised statutes, [1836-1859] ... The supplements, from 1836...

Part III. Amendments to the Report of the Commissions on the revision of the statutes / adopted by the Joint special committee on the revision of the statutes. 1881.

Report of the Joint Special Committee of the General Court on the revision of the Statutes of the Commonwealth. In two parts. 1881.

Part III. Amendments to the Report of the Commissions on the revision of the statutes / adopted by the Joint special committee on the revision of the statutes. 1881.

Acts and resolves passed by the General Court of Massachusetts.

Report of the Commissioners on the revision of the statutes. In four numbers. 1881.

Temporary index to the Revised laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1902.

Extracts from the public statutes relating to the city of Boston. Special statutes, passed prior to Jan. 1, 1888. Being the second part of the collection.

The Penal statutes of Massachusetts / compiled by Gorham D. Williams.

Statutes relating to savings banks and institutions for savings.

Report. [Pt.i]. Chapter 12.- Of the militia.

Labor laws of the commonwealth of Massachusetts compiled from the public statutes and subsequent acts and resolves by the Bureau of Statistics of Labor.

Report of the Commissioners on the Revision of the Statutes in five numbers.

Laws relating to highways, August, 1917.

Amendments of the by-laws of the Massachusetts Medical Society, with a corrected list of Fellows. June, 1837.

Report of the Commissioners on the Revision of the Statutes : in five numbers, 1858.

Digest of the statutes and of the ordinances relating to the construction, maintenance, and inspection of buildings in the City of Boston, 1895 / City of Boston.

Notes on the general statutes of Massachusetts. To which is added a list of cities and towns in the state, and of certain state and county officers. by Uriel H. Crocker and Geo....

Supplemental report of the Commissioners for consolidating and arranging the public statutes of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, incorporating the legislation of the year 1901.

The general statutes of the commonwealth of Massachusetts relating to the public schools : with the alterations and amendments to 1868.

The general statutes of the commonwealth of Massachusetts relating to the public schools, with the alterations and amendments to 1876.

The public statutes of Massachusetts relating to public instruction, with annotations and explanations, including the laws in force June, 1892.

[Report of the Joint Special Committee on the Consolidating and Arranging of the Public Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1901].

Massachusetts school legislation.

Special statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts relating to the city of Boston passed prior to January 1, 1893 / compiled by Thomas M. Babson.

Chapter 11 of the public statutes, and a compilation of the subsequent enactments regulating taxation by the local assessors in Massachusetts : including statutes and amendments...

Supplement to the Acts and resolves of Massachusetts : containing such legislative proceedings recorded in the public archives as are omitted in the authorized edition /...

Special statutes of the commonwealth of Massachusetts relating to the city of Boston passed prior to Jan. 1, 1893.

The consolidated statutes relating to the city of Boston. Codified by Thomas M. Babson, corporation counsel, by order of the City Council.

Chapter 11 of the Public statutes, and a compilation of the subsequent enactments regulating taxation by the local assessors in Massachusetts, including statutes and amendments...

The budget and responsible government; a description and interpretation of the struggle for responsible government in the United States, with special reference to recent changes...

Statutes and rules in relation to the admission of attorneys in Massachusetts.

Manual of the laws relating to public health, 1922.

Supplement to the General Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, containg the general laws from the passage of the General Statutes, with the amendment to the...

Extracts from the public statutes of Massachusetts, containing the laws regulating the sale of intoxicating liquors.

The revised laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts : enacted November 21, 1901, to take effect January 1, 1902 : with the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution...

The new Massachusetts forest taxation law explained and printed in full ...

Abstracts from the laws of Massachusetts relative to pharmacy, 1918.

The Massachusetts corporation law. Revised to January 6, 1926.

A bibliography of the laws of the Massachusetts Bay, 1641-1776 / by Worthington Chauncey Ford and Albert Matthews.

Manual for the use of boards of health of Massachusetts, containing the statutes relating to the public health.

Draught of a bill to revise and consolidate into one act the provisions of the general statutes and subsequent general acts relating to railroads. Presented to the legislature...

A study of the poor debtor law of Massachusetts and some details of its practice : with a chonological list of the statutes of Massachusetts, a table of the statutes of the...

Report of the Commissioners appointed to revise the general statutes of the Commonwealth.