31 January 2012
Burial sites for the 4th Michigan Volunteer Infantry who served our country between 1861-1866
The purpose of this website is to present pictures of the graves and information about the soldiers who served during the Civil War. Also, to make them accessible to interested persons. The site is being updated regularly. Pictures, as of now, have all been taken in the US, but we will include those buried in other countries, as they become available.
Genealogy at a Glance: English Genealogy Research
By Paul Milner. From the special laminated "Genealogy at a Glance" series from Genealogical Publishing Company.
QuickSheet: The Historical Biographer
By Elizabeth Shown Mills. For sale from Genealogical Publishing Company.
QuickSheet: The Historical Biographer
By Elizabeth Shown Mills. For sale from Genealogical Publishing Company.
QuickSheet: The Historical Biographer's Guide to the Research Process
By Elizabeth Shown Mills. For sale from Genealogical Publishing Company.